2021-22 NH Democracy Scorecard

See the Map-a-Thon Analysis of the NH Senate & Executive Council maps
The Map-a-Thon's analysis of the proposed NH Executive Council & NH Senate voting district maps has been released. See it here
Participate in County Redistricting Hearings
Take part in public "listening sessions" by the NH House and NH Senate around the state. One hearing is being held before the maps are drawn, and we'readvocating for a second round of hearings for the public to analyze the finished maps. Why? Because we're suspicious of anti-voter faction members within the committee who may be scheming a gerrymandered Congressional district map.
Get involved! Speak up!
Other important issues:
- 62 Towns which were eligible for their own NH House district did not get it in 2011
- NH Senate Districts ignored "communities of interest," crossing county lines, through regional high schools, and bisecting public health regions
- NH Executive Council districts include District 2, which packs Democratic-leaning towns into one district which snakes from Vermont to Maine.
- Some towns districted together are joined in lakes, in the middle of the woods, and in some cases force their legislators to drive out of the county to get to the other side.
Action of the Week: A Simple, 10 min. Action Can Still Be Powerful!
Take 10 minutes and do our Action of the Week.
Then share it with your friends on social media! No meetings, no hassle, but still powerful.
Help us keep NH voters and poll workers safe by voting by absentee!
Thousands of voters may not vote this fall due to COVID-19. Our job is to make sure they know that they can vote by absentee ballot, recenly allowed by New Hampshire's Secretary of State and Attorney General by citing "concern with COVID-19" as a "disability" on the absentee application.
Go to OpenDemocracyNH.org/absentee
Join our Regional Democracy Team briefings each week, and take simple actions that we help you to do. And you get an "Ask Me About Absentee" button!
We've created graphics, videos, and posts for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and email, and posters to hang in town
What can be more patriotic than helping other Granite Staters vote?
If you have any questions, please call Brian Beihl at 603-620-8300
2020 Granny D Week Activities
Granny D Week Actions & Events Jan. 21 - 28
Twenty years ago, a 90-year-old New Hampshire woman walked into Washington, DC after an epic 14-month, 3,200 mile walk from California to sound the alarm on corruption in our Democracy.
This coming week, you can honor Granny D's love for our country by taking action yourself and attending one or more events around the state. Remember that Granny D said, "Democracy isn't something we have; it's something we DO!"
Read more
Democracy Milestones this Week: Citizens United Anniversary, a Funeral for Democracy, and a Celebration of a NH Campaign Finance Reformer Named Granny D
For Immediate Release
For more information, contact Deputy Director Brian Beihl at 603-620-8300.
Event Dates:
"Funeral for Democracy" 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, January 21
Granny D Day Luncheon, noon, Thursday, January 23. (Reporters welcome to join us for lunch)
Democracy Milestones this Week: Citizens United Anniversary, a Funeral for Democracy, and a Celebration of a NH Campaign Finance Reformer Named Granny D
CONCORD--With money in the 2020 Presidential and New Hampshire's gubernatorial races expected to reach all time highs, a New Hampshire campaign finance group is commemorating two American democracy milestones next week, one good, the 110th birthday of Doris "Granny D" Haddock, and one not so good, the tenth anniversary of the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision.
Read moreHear the candidates' positions during their Democracy Town Hall Series events
Open Democracy Action and our partner Equal Citizens have hosted numerous Democracy Town Hall Series events this election cycle to
get candidates on the record for their positions on Democracy reform. See our YouTube Channel to watch these moderated discussions.
Upcoming Democracy Town Hall Series Events
Join Open Democracy Action and Equal Citizen for the largest Democracy Town Hall Series event so far. Senator Bernie Sanders will discuss his plans for overturning Citizens United, the future of the Electoral College, how citizen-funded elections would work on the federal level and other important Democracy reforms.
Saturday, December 28, Concord - 6 p.m.`
Info & RSVP at our co-host Equal Citizen
Doors to inside waiting area open 4:30 p.m. Doors to the auditorium open 5:00.
Read more
NH Democracy Legislation Scorecard
How did YOUR reps vote on Democracy in the 2019 Session of the Legislature? 
Open Democracy Action's 2019 NH Democracy Legislative Scorecard has been posted to the ODA website and it has been distributed to our members via email and social media.
The good news is that 145 NH State Representatives had 100% scores on the roll call legislation, representing 36% of the legislature. The bad news is that 142 members have a 0% score. To find out how your state reps, senator and govenor scored, visit the 2019 NH Democracy Legislative Scorecard page. Knowledge is POWER!