About Open Democracy Teams

The Regional Democracy Teams are a collaborative of Granite Staters across NH taking weekly steps to make the promise of democracy real for all. Since inception in 2019, the Teams have collectively taken thousands of actions to protect the freedom to vote, limit the influence of wealthy special interest money in politics, and advocate for fair redistricting maps.

"Democracy isn't something we HAVE, it's something we DO." - Doris "Granny D" Haddock, founder

The Teams are open to all, whether or not you have experience "doing" democracy or are joining for the first time.  In the spirit of our founder Doris "Granny D" Haddock, who at 89 years old walked across the United States for campaign finance reform, the Teams are a testament to the power of everyday people to make change. 

Go to the Regional Teams sign-up page HERE

Photo credit: Ann Ravel

Sample actions the Teams have taken: Calls/letters to local and state elected officials, marches, testifying at public hearings on legislation, writing letters to the editor, holding signs for bills or causes, educating the public, social media campaigns, bird-dogging, performances by the "Corruption Chorus", street theater performances, and more!

No matter your skill-set, there is a way you can get involved!

Time to Take Action-

Join a Regional Democracy Team HERE

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  • Sara Lobdell
    followed this page 2022-05-19 12:29:23 -0400