Do you have a voting plan for the election Nov 8?
The federal House January 6th Committee hearings and the local proceedings of the Committee on Voter Confidence throughout the summer have made it clear - the health of our democracy is on the ballot this November. To that end, Open Democracy Action has released our 2021-22 NH Democracy Legislative Scorecard as a guide for voters to determine which of their elected officials voted to protect their freedoms through democracy, and which elected officials voted against democracy.
The Scorecards score the votes of elected officials on democracy-related legislation on a county-basis, with two unique Scorecards. One compares every Senator side by side, and one compares the candidates for Governor. There is also a bills-explainer, to show what what each bill involved. The Scorecards are downloadable, and shareable, and there is also a toolkit to help educate voters.
Find your county's Scorecard here:

Pictured: NH Senate Scorecard
Small daily, weekly action such as reading and sharing the NH Democracy Legislative Scorecard are what makes our democracy run. Our freedoms are supported by everyday folks committed to voting, committed to staffing the elections, and committed to the idea of representative government. If you share in our commitment to taking small, everyday actions to support our freedoms through democracy, join us in taking the Practicing Democracy Pledge. In taking the Pledge, you will join dozens of Granite Staters all around the state working collectively towards achieving the promise of democracy for all.
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