Participate in County Redistricting Hearings

Take part in public "listening sessions" by the NH House and NH Senate around the state.   One hearing is being held before the maps are drawn, and we'readvocating for a second round of hearings for the public to analyze the finished maps.   Why?  Because we're suspicious of anti-voter faction members within the committee who may be scheming a gerrymandered Congressional district map.

Get involved!  Speak up! 

Other important issues:

  • 62 Towns which were eligible for their own NH House district did not get it in 2011
  • NH Senate Districts ignored "communities of interest," crossing county lines, through regional high schools, and bisecting public health regions
  • NH Executive Council districts include District 2, which packs Democratic-leaning towns into one district which snakes from Vermont to Maine.
  • Some towns districted together are joined in lakes, in the middle of the woods, and in some cases force their legislators to drive out of the county to get to the other side.


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  • Brian Beihl
    published this page in Blogs 2021-10-11 10:31:26 -0400