Open Democracy Team Weekly Actions

Actions of the Week - Simple But Powerful Actions You Can Take

Team Member Toolkit


Actions for January 19-January 25

Action 1 - Sign-in on Bills (Updated)

Full Legislative Action List here.


HB630 - preventing the dissemination of deepfake materials of political candidates before an election.

This bill prevents the dissemination of deepfake materials of political candidates before an election. With election misinformation and disinformation on the rise and the rapid spread of generative AI deepfakes as the technology advances, it is vital that legislation advances with it to prevent disinformation campaigns from manipulating the results of our elections.

Public Hearing: 1/28/2025 at 1:00 p.m. 
Location: Legislative Office Building

Link to Sign in on House Bills 


HB389 - requiring candidates to attest they have not spent more than $1,000 in an election.

This bill requires candidates to attest that they have not spent more than $1,000 in an election. This bill encourages campaign finance transparency and makes a clear distinction between candidates who are failing to submit their spending reports and those who did not exceed the $1,000 threshold ensuring proper filing accountability.

Public Hearing: 1/28/2025 at 1:50 p.m. 
Location: Legislative Office Building

Link to Sign in on House Bills 


HB67 - Accessible Voting Machines - relative to agreements with the secretary of state for the use of accessible voting systems.

This bill would establish an ongoing agreement with the secretary of state that would permit the use of accessible voting machines for all elections (local, state, and federal). Please sign in and submit testimony supporting this bill and if you haven't already email the committee asking them to support it.

Public Hearing: 1/21/2025 at 10:20 a.m. 
Location: Legislative Office Building 

Link to Sign in on House Bills 

Link to UJoin Email



HB107 - relative to political advertising printed in newspapers, periodicals, or billboards. 

This bill removes the requirement to mark political advertising printed in newspapers, periodicals or billboards as "political advertising." This flies in the face of transparency.

Public Hearing: 1/28/2025 at 10:00 a.m. 
Location: Legislative Office Building

Link to Sign in on House Bills 


SB 44 - relative to hand counts of ballots in elections.

This bill would require a hand recount on the request of 100 registered voters in one city, town, or municipality using electronic ballot counting machines. Hand counts are know to be less accurate, take longer, and requires many volunteers, additionally current statutes only allow for candidates to request recounts and opening up recount requests to the public could delay election results significantly. With this in mind we ask that you sign in -and testify if you can- to OPPOSE SB 44.

Public Hearing: 1/21/2025 at 9:30 a.m. 
Location: Legislative Office Building

Link to Sign in on Senate Bills


HB 133-FN, modifying the new resident drivers’ license transfer requirements, specifying when the division of motor vehicles shall send violation notices, and appropriating funds to the division for technological upgrades required for legal compliance.

Sign in to OPPOSE HB133. This bill adds another hurdle to registering to vote in NH. The bill:

  • Requires that when a new NH resident voter uses an out of state license that the Secretary of State sends notification to the DMV and a notice will be sent to the applicant’s in-state and out-of-state address if available. 
  • Adds a requirement to new NH residents to notify the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) if they have been a resident of the state of NH for more than 60 days and have not yet obtained a NH license and requires that if their out of state license has expired or been relinquished that they notify the DMV.
  • Requires the DMV Director notify an individual found to have been a resident of the State of NH for over 90 days without obtaining a NH license that they are in violation of RSA 263:35

Public Hearing: 1/21/2025 at 1:00 p.m. 
Location: Legislative Office Building 

Link to Sign in on House Bills 

Action 2 - Attend Granny D Celebration

Granny D Celebration
Friday, January 24th at 1pm
Please join us for the 2025 Granny D Birthday Celebration at Mason Library, Keene State College on January 24, 2025 at 1pm. 

We'll be joined by this impressive list of speakers:

  • Keene Mayor Jay Kahn
  • Jenna Carroll, Exec. Director, Historical Society of Cheshire County
  • Rep. Dr. Nicholas Germana
  • Peggy Walsh, former educator
  • Katie Temmallo, student
  • Charlie Savage, student
  • Bob Perry, "Rosie" restorer
  • Dennis Burke, author, biographer
  • Sarah Mausner, musician

The Granny D Archives will be on display and will be staffed by students from the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society.


Action 3 - Write an LTE or Op-Ed about Citizens United

This January 21st is the 15th anniversary of the infamous Citizens United ruling. To mark this tumultuous anniversary, consider writing an LTE or Op-Ed about the negative impact this questionable ruling has had on American politics and urge our legislators to take action to overturn Citizens United and get money out of our politics.

How to Submit an LTE in NH


Actions for January 12-January 18

Action 1 - Sign-in on Bills


HB67 - Accessible Voting Machines - relative to agreements with the secretary of state for the use of accessible voting systems.

This bill would establish an ongoing agreement with the secretary of state that would permit the use of accessible voting machines for all elections (local, state, and federal).

Public Hearing: 1/21/2025 at 10:20 a.m. 
Location: Legislative Office Building 

Link to Sign in on House Bills 

SB16 - requiring municipalities to post a copy of election return forms on their websites and in public locations.

This bill would require all NH municipalities to post a copy of their election return forms on their websites and in public locations within 7 days of an election. From our reading, this bill would increase transparency without adding excessive strain on our election officials.

Public Hearing: 1/14/2025 at 9:40 a.m. 
Location: Legislative Office Building

Link to Sign in on Senate Bills


Action 2 - Email House Election Law Committee to Support HB67

This bill would establish an ongoing agreement with the secretary of state that would permit the use of accessible voting machines for all elections (local, state, and federal). These devices  would make all elections accessible for visually-impaired voters, and voters with other disabilities.

Public Hearing: 1/21/2025 at 10:20 a.m. 
Location: Legislative Office Building 

Link to UJoin Email


Action 3 - Write an LTE Thanking Legislators for Tabling House Rule 44 Amendment

The House voted to table the amendment to House Rule 44 which would have allowed committees to entirely forego a public hearing for a bill with a 3/4 vote. This amendment being tabled is an exciting victory early in the legislative session! This week, consider writing an LTE thanking our legislators for supporting government transparency with this vote. Please not this was a voice vote so there is not a list of how individual legislators voted.

How to Submit an LTE in NH


Bonus - Share/RSVP Upcoming Events 

Using Your Voice in State Legislature: Best Practices for Testifying
Tuesday, January 14th at 6pm
Join Open Democracy & League of Women Voters Jan 14th at 6PM EST online for a workshop on how to testify on legislation at the NH State House. Learn the basics of how a bill becomes a law, at what point in the process you can make your voice heard, and how to do so through effective storytelling and testimony both through email and in-person. Legislators need to hear from their constituents.

Granny D Celebration
Friday, January 24th at 1pm
Please join us for the 2025 Granny D Birthday Celebration at Mason Library, Keene State College on January 24, 2025 at 1pm. 

We'll be joined by this impressive list of speakers:

  • Keene Mayor Jay Kahn
  • Jenna Carroll, Exec. Director, Historical Society of Cheshire County
  • Rep. Dr. Nicholas Germana
  • Peggy Walsh, former educator
  • Katie Temmallo, student
  • Charlie Savage, student
  • Bob Perry, "Rosie" restorer
  • Dennis Burke, author, biographer
  • Sarah Mausner, musician

The Granny D Archives will be on display and will be staffed by students from the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society.


Open Democracy Book Club: Tyranny of the Minority
February 13th at 7pm

Please join Open Democracy Book Club on Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 7pm Eastern for a discussion of Tyranny of the Minority.  Author Steven Levitsky will be joining us for the first half hour for discussion and Q&A.



Actions for December 30-January 11

Action 1 - Contact your state reps to oppose amendment to house rule 44

An amendment to House Rule 44 has been proposed that could result in less transparency that could limit voters ability to hold their representatives accountable for their actions. The amendment would allow committees to entirely forego a public hearing for a bill with a 3/4 vote to refer to table. The argument for this amendment is that it will save time for legislators, however a committee would not really save time or legislate more efficiently by bypassed the public hearing process on any bills deemed not “worth” discussing at a hearing. Instead of debating the bills merits at a hearing, time would be spent debating the decision to skip the hearing - including why this particular bill was not worthy of debate while other bills were. Even then, the merits of the proposed bill would eventually be debated on the floor.

This amendment will be in the House Calendar next week for adoption by the full House on January 8th so please contact your State Reps urging them to OPPOSE this amendment. 

Sample Email:

Dear (Rep's Name),

I am writing you as a concerned constituent urging you to OPPOSE the proposed amendment to House Rule 44 - allowing committees to entirely forego a public hearing for a bill with a 3/4 vote. As the NH Constitution states: the public has a right to know “what our government is up to” (See Hawkins v. Commissioner of DHHS). We must have legislative transparency for constituents to be able to monitor the efficacy and actions of their legislators.

Speaking pragmatically, this amendment would not save time for legislators or enable them to legislate more efficiently by bypassed the public hearing process on bills deemed not “worth” to discuss at a hearing. Instead the time that would be spent debating the bills merits during a hearing, would be used to debate the decision to skip the hearing - including why this particular bill was not worthy of debate while other bills were. Even then, the merits of the proposed bill would eventually have to be debated on the floor. With this in mind I ask again that you oppose the amendment on House Rule 44.

Thank you,


Look up your State Representatives here.


Action 2 - Write an LTE/OP ED about the importance of transparency in Campaign Finance Reporting 

The most recent round of campaign finance reports were filled with errors, blurry scans, half blacked-out scans, incomplete reports and more (photos of a couple of the more egregious reports below). We even found that out of the 726 house candidates 313 did not file their campaign finance report. Transparency is crucial for the public to be able to trust their political leaders, so this week consider writing an LTE or OP ED emphasizing the importance of transparency in campaign finance reporting and of holding candidates accountable for filing properly.

Sample LTE:

To the editor: As I reviewed the most recent campaign finance reports it was clear that actions must be taken to reform New Hampshire’s campaign finance laws. There were several instances of our candidates submitting illegible fillings, taking significant contributions from out-of-state donors and corporations, and over 300 House candidates didn't even submit a report. The reports filed by our candidates demonstrate a clear disregard for campaign finance transparency. Accuracy of reporting is essential otherwise what use do these reports serve? 

It is our right as voters to be fully informed of the origins and uses of campaign funds for all of our candidates, and it is the responsibility of the legislature to solve many of these issues by closing the “LLC Loophole” and updating and clarifying reporting requirements. Additionally, the state Attorney General's office and the Secretary of State's office must ensure that our campaign finance laws are properly enforced within a timely manner.

How to Submit and LTE in NH


Action 3 - Share/RSVP to our upcoming events

Building Local Power: Exploring Town Meetings and the Structure of Local Government 
Wednesday, January 8th at 6pm
Join us for our "Building Local Power" workshop where we will examine how to vote at Town Meeting and structural differences compared to other voting experiences, warrant articles, and  recruitment for local election official roles (ie. moderator, supervisor of the checklist, clerk, selectmen, etc.).
Using Your Voice in State Legislature: Best Practices for Testifying
Tuesday, January 14th at 6pm
Join Open Democracy & League of Women Voters Jan 14th at 6PM EST online for a workshop on how to testify on legislation at the NH State House. Learn the basics of how a bill becomes a law, at what point in the process you can make your voice heard, and how to do so through effective storytelling and testimony both through email and in-person. Legislators need to hear from their constituents.

Granny D Celebration
Friday, January 24th at 1pm
Please join us for the 2025 Granny D Birthday Celebration at Mason Library, Keene State College on January 24, 2025 at 1pm. 

We'll be joined by this impressive list of speakers:

  • Keene Mayor Jay Kahn
  • Jenna Carroll, Exec. Director, Historical Society of Cheshire County
  • Rep. Dr. Nicholas Germana
  • Peggy Walsh, former educator
  • Katie Temmallo, student
  • Charlie Savage, student
  • Bob Perry, "Rosie" restorer
  • Dennis Burke, author, biographer
  • Sarah Mausner, musician

The Granny D Archives will be on display and will be staffed by students from the Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society.


Open Democracy Book Club: Tyranny of the Minority
February 13th at 7pm

Please join Open Democracy Book Club on Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 7pm Eastern for a discussion of Tyranny of the Minority.  Author Steven Levitsky will be joining us for the first half hour for discussion and Q&A.



Actions for December 23-December 29

Happy Holidays Team Leaders! There are no actions this week other than to enjoy your holiday break. Quick reminder that our meetings on December 24th, 26th, & 31st are canceled in observance of the holidays. We will return to regular meetings on Thursday, January 2nd. Look forward to seeing you all in the new year!

Actions for December 16-December 22

Action 1 - Town Meeting Warrant Articles
Open Democracy is launching an effort to get fair nonpartisan redistricting and an adaption of We the People Pledge to Fight Big Money into 100 town warrants around the state during upcoming town meetings. A town warrant is the slate of issues which come before town meeting, including the approval of the budget, the purchase of capital equipment like fire trucks and police cruisers, and special requests from town departments or other groups. We have drafted template warrant article petitions for you to utilize.
Action 2 - Recruitment for Election Officials - find out if moderator or supervisor or clerk or selectman are up in 2025
The filing deadline for election officials is fast approaching. This week check your town website or call your town clerk to see which local elected roles are up for reelection in 2025 and begin reaching out to members of your community who would be good potential candidates.
Action 3 - SOS Accessible Voting Demonstration

The New Hampshire Secretary of State’s Office is looking to upgrade the accessible voting systems all polling locations are required to use during state and local elections. To make an informed decision involving key stakeholders, the Secretary of State’s office will host a public demonstration of several accessible voting systems as follows:

Wednesday, December 18, 2024, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

New Hampshire State Archives

9 Ratification Way (formerly 71 South Fruit St.)

Concord, NH 03301


Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions about the different devices being demonstrated.

Actions for December 9-December 15

Action 1 - Sign and share our petition to make Election Day a State Holiday
Please join us in support of making election day a State Holiday by signing this petition and sharing it with your friends and family. 
Action 2 - Contact your Senators encouraging them to OPPOSE the SAVE Act

This bill requires individuals to provide documentary proof of U.S. citizenship in order to register to vote in federal elections. Specifically, the bill prohibits states from accepting and processing an application to register to vote in a federal election unless the applicant presents documentary proof of U.S. citizenship. Citizenship is difficult to prove, the only acceptable documents are birth certificate, passport, or naturalization papers. These documents can be costly to obtain and take a considerable amount of processing time to reach a voter which may prevent them from being able to vote in an election. Additionally, the bill establishes criminal penalties for certain offenses, including registering an applicant to vote in a federal election who fails to present documentary proof of U.S. citizenship - this could discourage people from volunteering to work as election officials leading to long lines for voters. 

This bill is on its second reading in the Senate so we ask you to call/email your senators asking them to OPPOSE this bill.

Sample Email:

Dear (Senator Name),

I am contacting you as a concerned constituent urging you to oppose the SAVE Act. This bill could disenfranchise countless eligible voters across the nation. Citizenship is difficult to prove and the only acceptable documents are birth certificate, passport, or naturalization papers. Many citizens may not have access to these documents for a variety of reasons from house fires to floods to loss or theft. These documents can be costly to obtain, which could prevent citizens with limited financial means from voting.  Additionally, these documents often take a considerable amount of processing time which could easily result in the document not reaching a voter in time to cast their ballot. Vote for the continued voting rights of all of your constituents by opposing the SAVE act.

Thank you,


Senator Jeanne Shaheen
(202) 224-2841

Senator Maggie Hassan
(202) 224-3324


Action 3 - Share a social media post encouraging voters to register/take part in upcoming town elections
We want to encourage people who have not gotten involved in their local politics to take part. To encourage more participation, check your town/city website to see the date, time, and location of your upcoming town meeting and share that information on your social media accounts. 

Actions for December 2-December 8

Action 1 - Share a Giving Tuesday post
Giving Tuesday is here, with the challenging legislative cycle we are entering into we will need as many resources as possible to help move the needle on campaign finance reform, fair redistricting, and other key legislation to limit corruption in our government. We need your help - please share our Giving Tuesday video & our donation link with family, friends, and colleagues who support strengthening our democracy.
Action 2 - Invite friends to join Teams
We want to build our teams to grow our collective voice and give those who want to help fix our democracy - but don't know where to start - the tools and direction to make an impact. Help us in this endeavor by telling your friends about Open Democracy Action and inviting them to join our Regional Democracy Teams! 
Regional Democracy Teams Info Page:
Action 3 - Co-sponsor suggestions for upcoming legislation
We are looking for suggestions for democratic and/or republican co-sponsors upcoming legislation. If you think your legislator(s) would be a good fit for any of the following bills please contact them and ask for them to be a co-sponsor.
relative to agreements with the secretary of state for the use of accessible voting systems. Sponsors: (Prime) Mark Paige
relative to the establishment of an election information portal. Sponsors: (Prime) Mark Paige
establishing a voter-owned elections fund for eligible candidates to executive councilor and making an appropriation therefor. Sponsors: (Prime) Russell Muirhead
relative to defined coordinated expenditures. Sponsors: (Prime) Russell Muirhead
relating to absentee ballots. Providing that no excuse shall be needed by the voter to receive an absentee ballot. Sponsors: (Prime) Connie Lane
relative campaign disclosures for limited liability companies. Sponsors: (Prime) Connie Lane
establishing redistricting criteria. Sponsors: (Prime) Connie Lane
relative to ballots delivered to elder care facilities. Sponsors: (Prime) Connie Lane
requiring the secretary of state to check voter records prior to every election. Sponsors: (Prime) Connie Lane
relating to the drawing of district boundaries. Providing that no district boundaries shall be drawn n a way that favors or disfavors any political party or candidate. Sponsors: (Prime) Heath Howard

Actions for November 25-December 1

In observance of Thanksgiving this week there will be no team meetings, the only action this week is to enjoy the holiday and time with your loved ones.


Actions for November 18-November 24

Action 1 - Co-sponsor suggestions for upcoming legislation

We are looking for suggestions for democratic and/or republican co-sponsors on three pieces of upcoming legislation: voter-owned elections (prime sponsor Rep. Muirhead), accessible voting (prime sponsor Rep. Mark Paige), and online voter portal (prime sponsor Rep. Mark Paige). We have found that legislators are more receptive to co-sponsoring legislation when the request comes from a constituent. If you think your legislator(s) would be a good fit for one of these bills please contact them and ask for them to be a co-sponsor. 

Action 2 - Contact Local Civics Groups about Practicing Democracy Project

We are looking to schedule more Practicing Democracy presentations starting in January. So please contact your local civics groups (rotary clubs, church groups, civics groups, college civics clubs, etc.) to host a Practicing Democracy presentation for their members.

To learn more about the Practicing Democracy Project go to:

Action 3 - Share/RSVP for our Upcoming Events
ODA Auction
The ODA Online Auction is live and full of incredible and unique items - be sure to share this with your social media circle! There's author signed books, loads of artwork, handcrafted treasures, vintage and collectible items, sporting goods and so much more. We even have a category for All Things Granny D. You only have until November 20 to score big on these great items!
Open Democracy Book Club: Democracy Awakening

December 11th at 7pm EST

Join Open Democracy Book Club on Wednesday, December 11 at 7 pm Eastern for a discussion of Heather Cox Richardson‘s vital and urgent call to action about the precarious state of American democracy. Professor Richardson will be joining us for the discussion and Q&A.

Learn more and RSVP.

Open Democracy High School T-Shirt Contest

Calling all high school creatives! Open Democracy wants YOU to design our next t-shirt. Winning design receives a $50 Visa gift card and a t-shirt with their design, 2nd place receives a $25 Visa card.

Learn more:

Download Flyer Here


Actions for November 12-November 17

Action 1 - Write an LTE to Kelly Ayotte
Kelly Ayotte won the governor race with extensive cross-party support, we want to ensure that is reflected in the decisions she makes during her term. To that end you can write an LTE congratulating Kelly Ayotte and asking her to keep in mind the constituents on both sides of the aisle that elected her when making legislative decisions.
Sample LTE:

Congratulations to our new Governor, Kelly Ayotte for her successful election campaign last week. The amount of bipartisan support she received from New Hampshire voters was rather impressive. With such a strong show of support from both parties, I am excited to see her take actions during her term that will support the best interests of all of her constituents regardless of political affiliation - and to prioritize supporting bipartisan legislation. 

The voter turnout last week was incredible, as a New Hampshire native for over 20 years I don't recall another election that had so many determined voters from both sides of the aisle. Though their voices differed greatly on some candidates, they were clear in their support of Governor Ayotte, and the expectation that her actions in office should support them in turn.

Action 2 - Congratulate your new reps and request conversation about their stances on key issues
Now is the perfect time to reach out to your new legislators to congratulate them on their successful campaigns and get to know where they stand on important issues like voter-owned elections, redistricting, modernize voting in NH, strengthening voting rights, and campaign finance reforms. Reaching out now before the legislative session begins is the best time to build that connection and introduce yourself and your concerns as a constituent.
Action 3 - Share the ODA Auction
The ODA Online Auction is live and full of incredible and unique items - be sure to share this with your social media circle! There's author signed books, loads of artwork, handcrafted treasures, vintage and collectible items, sporting goods and so much more. We even have a category for All Things Granny D. You only have until November 20 to score big on these great items!
Bonus: Monitor Recounts
The recount schedule has been posted, if you are available to monitor one of the upcoming recounts please let Autumn or Olivia know! See recount schedule below.
State Archives, 9 Ratification Way, Concord
11/12/2024 9:00 State Rep. Hillsborough District 17 (Manchester 2) 
11/12/2024 1:00 State Rep. Hillsborough District 24 (Manchester 4) 
11/13/2024 9:00 State Rep. Hillsborough District 18 (Manchester 12) 
11/13/2024 1:00 State Rep. Grafton District 9 (Canaan, Dorchester, Orange) 
11/14/2024 9:00 State Rep. Hillsborough District 9 (Nashua 5) 
11/14/2024 1:00 State Rep. Sullivan District 5 (Springfield, Sunapee) 
11/14/2024 1:00 State Rep. Grafton District 7 (Campton) 
11/15/2024 9:00 State Rep. Strafford District 4 (Barrington, Strafford) 
11/15/2024 1:00 State Rep. Merrimack District 8 (Bradford, Henniker, Warner) 
11/18/2024 9:00 State Rep. Strafford District 13 (Dover 6) 
11/18/2024 1:00 Grafton County Commissioner District 3 

Actions for November 5-November 11

Action 1 - Thank your election workers
Make sure to take some time this week to thank your election workers for their hard work. Write an LTE, social media post, or a thank you note to let them know that their efforts are appreciated.

Action 2 - Monitor audits and recounts
We are looking for volunteers to monitor the election audits and recounts following the election. Audits are scheduled to take place Tuesday at 1pm and Wednesday at 8am at the NH State Archives (9 Ratification Way, Concord). We are still waiting for the recount schedule to be posted, and will update once the information is available.

Action 3 - Decompress
Thank you for all of your dedication this election cycle. We know that this election has been particularly stressful so please take some time this week to decompress and get some much needed R&R.

Actions for October 28-November 5

Action 1 - Make an "I vote because" social media post

This week encourage others to get out and vote by sharing what motivates you to cast your ballot. Here's an example of why our High School Voter Registration Fellow, Charlie votes.

"I vote because I want to see more youth representation in government!"


Action 2 - Share your ward's polling location/hours information

Make sure the people in your community know their polling location and hours by sharing your ward's polling information on social media. Please be sure when you do to indicate both the ward and town if your town has multiple.

Ex. Manchester Ward 9 let's get ready to vote! Our polling place is still at Bishop Leo E. O'Neil Youth Center, 30 South Elm St. and will be open from 6:00 AM - 7:00 PM. For any of my friends from other voting wards, you can find your polling location and hours at:


Action 3 - Get out to vote - and bring a friend!

The biggest action for this week is to get out and vote on election day - and bring a friend to vote too!


Actions for October 21-October 27

Action 1 - Co-sponsor suggestions for upcoming legislation

We are looking for suggestions for democratic and/or republican co-sponsors on three pieces of upcoming legislation: voter-owned elections (prime sponsor Rep. Muirhead), accessible voting (prime sponsor Rep. Mark Paige), and online voter portal (prime sponsor Rep. Mark Paige). We have found that legislators are more receptive to co-sponsoring legislation when the request comes from a constituent. If you think your legislator(s) would be a good fit for one of these bills please contact them and ask for them to be a co-sponsor. 


Action 2 - Share our high school t-shirt design contest with the educators and high school students in your lives

Calling all high school creatives! Open Democracy wants YOU to design our next t-shirt. Winning design receives a $50 Visa gift card and a t-shirt with their design, 2nd place receives a $25 Visa card.

Learn more:

Download Flyer Here

Sample Email to Educators:

Good Morning (educator's name),

Open Democracy just announced that they are running a statewide t-shirt design contest that is open to high school students of all ages. The winning design will be the featured t-shirt used during their annual Democracy Festival in 2025. I have included the contest rules and URL below along with the flyer for the contest so you can share this opportunity with your students.

  • Their designs have to be democracy related.  Possible themes include:
    • Granny D
    • Voting Rights
    • Campaign Finance Reform
    • Civics
    • Free and Fair Elections, etc.
  • This contest is open to HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ONLY
  • Your design is limited to 3 colors.  T-shirts will be heather grey.
  • No limit to the number of entries, but they must be sent separately and include the name of the student in the file name.
  • Deadline for submission is November 21, 2024 at 5 pm. Entries must be submitted via email to: [email protected]

Learn more:


Warm Wishes,



Action 3 - RSVP/share upcoming events

Open Democracy Book Club: Democracy Awakening

December 11th at 7pm EST

Join Open Democracy Book Club on Wednesday, December 11 at 7 pm Eastern for a discussion of Heather Cox Richardson‘s vital and urgent call to action about the precarious state of American democracy. Professor Richardson will be joining us for the discussion and Q&A.

Learn more and RSVP.

The Forward Foundation Poll Worker Info Sessions 

October 22, 2024, 7:00 PM

October 29, 2024, 6:00 PM

Learn more and rsvp here.

Nonpartisan Poll Observer Trainings with NHCVR 

We are looking for nonpartisan poll observers to be our eyes and ears on the ground during the General Election. Are you interested? If so: fill out this form to let us know!
Here is the Flag Form for reporting about the activity at your assigned polling place and register for one of our upcoming training sessions below.

Bonus - Poll Worker Recruitment

We would like to get the word out to as many people as possible that the following communities are looking for poll workers. 

Derry New Durham Littleton
Durham Piermont Landaff
Manchester Ward 3 Westmoreland Monroe
Manchester Ward 5 Alexandria East Kingston
Manchester Ward 7 Sutton Stratham
*Deputy Registrars needed for all Manchester Wards* Haverhill New Ipswich
Bedford Northfield Freedom
Unity Brentwood Mont Vernon

Flyer with list of towns 


Actions for October 14-October 20

Action 1 - Carve Vote Jack o' Lanterns 

Happy (almost) Halloween! Print out the template below, carving away anything in BLACK, to make a pumpkin for democracy. If you get trick-or-treaters, remind any who are 18+ to register and vote!

Action 2 - RSVP/Share Upcoming Events

Breaking Down Policies: Restricting Disability, Women’s & LGBTQ+ Rights

October 15th at 6pm EST

Join us to discuss the plans in Project 2025 and Agenda 47 to strip protections and rights from people with disabilities, women, and the LGBTQ+ community. Democracy is meant to reflect the will of the people, if it does not represent and protect all of its people and their rights it will never be a true democracy.

Learn more and register here.

Open Democracy Book Club: Democracy Awakening

December 11th at 7pm EST

Join Open Democracy Book Club on Wednesday, December 11 at 7 pm Eastern for a discussion of Heather Cox Richardson‘s vital and urgent call to action about the precarious state of American democracy. Professor Richardson will be joining us for the discussion and Q&A.

Learn more and RSVP.

The Forward Foundation Poll Worker Info Sessions 

October 22, 2024, 7:00 PM

October 29, 2024, 6:00 PM

Learn more and rsvp here.

Nonpartisan Poll Observer Trainings with NHCVR 

We are looking for nonpartisan poll observers to be our eyes and ears on the ground during the General Election. Are you interested? If so: fill out this form to let us know!
Here is the Flag Form for reporting about the activity at your assigned polling place and register for one of our upcoming training sessions below.


Action 3 - Poll Worker Recruitment

We would like to get the word out to as many people as possible that the following communities are looking for poll workers. Rochester and Hillsborough have filled their volunteer roles, but Derry and Haverhill have now reached out stating that they need volunteers.

Derry New Durham Littleton
Durham Piermont Landaff
Manchester Ward 3 Westmoreland Monroe
Manchester Ward 5 Alexandria East Kingston
Manchester Ward 7 Sutton Stratham
*Deputy Registrars needed for all Manchester Wards* Haverhill New Ipswich
Bedford Northfield Freedom
Unity Brentwood Mont Vernon


Bonus: Share SOS clips on Social Media

The Secretary of State was at NEC last week where he was asked about youth voter engagement, HB1569, an inter-state voter registration system (like ERIC), and his stance on early voting/mail in ballots. We were able to record his responses, the YouTube links to share the recordings are listed below.

SOS on HB1569

SOS on Mail-in Ballots

SOS on Youth Voter Engagement

SOS on Inter-state Voter Registration System

Actions for October 7-October 13

Action 1 - Share video guide on hosting a high school voter registration drive on social media

We want to host as many high school voter registration drives as possible between now and the upcoming election. To support that effort our new fellow, Charlie, created this short video guide on how to host a high school voter registration drive. We ask that you share the video across social media to help encourage students and educators across the state to host drives of their own.

Video Link:


Action 2 - Poll worker recruitment

We would like to get the word out to as many people as possible that the following communities are looking for poll workers. To accomplish this I have made flyers and social media graphics for you to share with people in your communities. If you would like a targeted flyer for a specific town you plan on visiting, please email me ([email protected]) and I can create one for you.

General Flyer

Rochester New Durham Hillsborough
Durham Piermont Landaff
Manchester Ward 3 Westmoreland Monroe
Manchester Ward 5 Alexandria East Kingston
Manchester Ward 7 Sutton Stratham
*Deputy Registrars needed for all Manchester Wards*   New Ipswich
Bedford Northfield Freedom
Unity Brentwood Mont Vernon


Action 3 - LTE about Money in Politics

The influence of money in politics is on many people's minds as we are nearing the General Election with the massive influx of political mailers, and political ads on tv and across the internet. Now is a great time to write a letter to the editor about the impact of money in politics. 

Sample LTE:

We all know that things have gotten more expensive in recent years, and our elections seem to be no exception. Even in a smaller state like New Hampshire we are seeing astronomical spending in our political races. So far this year we have seen New Hampshire PACs raise over 15 million dollars, our two gubernatorial candidates raise approximately 10 million dollars combined, and our State Senate candidates raise over 1.5 million dollars. Such a high cost to entry for our state politics prevents so many of our citizens from being able to even entertain the idea of running for office. How can they compete when the other candidates have resources so far beyond their own?

With all of that money NH citizens are constantly subjected to political ads in our mail boxes, on our televisions, on our radios, and on our social media - but only from the wealthiest campaigns. Are we really getting the most qualified candidates that best represent us with our current pay to play system? It's about time for a change in our campaign financing system to get excessive spending out of NH politics and to prioritize electing candidates that truly represent their constituents.

How to Submit and LTE in NH


Actions for September 30-October 6

Action 1 - Poll Worker Recruitment

We have heard back from a number of communities that they need more volunteers for the upcoming election. If you or someone you know is from any of the following communities and able to help on November 5th please contact your town clerk to volunteer - and let us know!

Rochester New Durham Hillsborough
Durham Piermont Landaff
Manchester Ward 3 Westmoreland Monroe
Manchester Ward 5 Alexandria East Kingston
Manchester Ward 7 Sutton Stratham
*Deputy Registrars needed for all Manchester Wards* Winchester Franklin *update-positions filled
Bedford Northfield Freedom
Unity Brentwood Mont Vernon
Littleton Berlin New Ipswich


Action 2 - Encourage Others to Register and Vote with Flyers and Yard Signs

The election is fast approaching and we want to encourage as many eligible voters as possible to register and vote! This week spread the word by posting flyers around your community (libraries, high schools, cafes, churches, etc.) and by creating and putting up signs in visible spots of your yard. Thank you to Susan Moore for sharing this wonderful flyer with us, and to Karishma Manzur for coming up with the idea to post signs with absentee/registration information. If you do not have a printer of your own and need us to send you copies of the flyer please email Doreen at [email protected].

Voting Flyer Link

GOTV Flyer 1 Link

GOTV Flyer 2 Link

Some ideas for yard signs:

(Your town name) natives - register to vote by (your town's deadline)! 

Will you be away on Nov 5? Request an absentee ballot & return it before the deadline! NH Mail-in ballots must be received by Nov 5 @ 5pm. 

Get out and vote on Nov 5th! 

(Your town/ward)'s polls are open (your polling place hours) this Nov 5th! Make time to make your voice heard!


Action 3 - RSVP/Share Upcoming Events

Breaking Down Policies: Restricting Disability, Women’s & LGBTQ+ Rights

October 15th at 6pm EST

Join us to discuss the plans in Project 2025 and Agenda 47 to strip protections and rights from people with disabilities, women, and the LGBTQ+ community. Democracy is meant to reflect the will of the people, if it does not represent and protect all of its people and their rights it will never be a true democracy.

Learn more and register here.

Open Democracy Book Club: Democracy Awakening

December 11th at 7pm EST

Join Open Democracy Book Club on Wednesday, December 11 at 7 pm Eastern for a discussion of Heather Cox Richardson‘s vital and urgent call to action about the precarious state of American democracy. Professor Richardson will be joining us for the discussion and Q&A.

Learn more and RSVP.

The Forward Foundation Poll Worker Info Sessions 

October 8, 2024, 7:00 PM

October 22, 2024, 7:00 PM

October 29, 2024, 6:00 PM

Learn more and rsvp here.

Nonpartisan Poll Observer Trainings with NHCVR 

We are looking for nonpartisan poll observers to be our eyes and ears on the ground during the General Election. Are you interested? If so: fill out this form to let us know!
Here is the Flag Form for reporting about the activity at your assigned polling place and register for one of our upcoming training sessions below.


Actions for September 23-September 29

Action 1 - Share NH Voter Registration Video on Social Media

We put together a short video with information on how to register to vote here in NH. Please share on your social media to help new voters prepare for the upcoming General Election.

Registering to Vote in NH Video

Action 2 - RSVP/Share Upcoming Events

Open Democracy Book Club: Democracy in Black

September 24th at 7pm EST

Our next book club session is a few months away - September 24th at 7pm - but now is a great time to order your copy and start reading! Be sure to RSVP, share the event with your fellow bibliophiles, and get reading. The next book that has been chosen for the Open Democracy Book Club is Democracy in Black by  Eddie S. Glaude Jr. The book is part manifesto, part history, part memoir, it argues that we live in a country founded on a “value gap”—with white lives valued more than others—that still distorts our politics today.

Learn more and register here.

Breaking Down Policies: Restricting Disability, Women’s & LGBTQ+ Rights

October 15th at 6pm EST

Join us to discuss the plans in Project 2025 and Agenda 47 to strip protections and rights from people with disabilities, women, and the LGBTQ+ community. Democracy is meant to reflect the will of the people, if it does not represent and protect all of its people and their rights it will never be a true democracy.

Learn more and register here.

Open Democracy Book Club: Democracy Awakening

December 11th at 7pm EST

Join Open Democracy Book Club on Wednesday, December 11 at 7 pm Eastern for a discussion of Heather Cox Richardson‘s vital and urgent call to action about the precarious state of American democracy. Professor Richardson will be joining us for the discussion and Q&A.

Learn more and RSVP.

Action 3 - Write an LTE Encouraging Citizens to Volunteer as a Poll Worker

The General Election is 46 days away and counting, it’s time to start placing poll workers and volunteers to help democracy run smoothly! Step one of recruiting volunteer election workers is to spread the word that democracy runs on volunteers through letters to the editor. 

Sample LTE:

November 5th - our General Election - is mere weeks away. Democracy is on the ballot this year and our participation in the election process is more vital than ever before. To do my part, I will be volunteering at my local polling place as an election worker this year, and I encourage others in [my town/city] to sign up to help this day go smoothly.

There are a few ways you can help as a volunteer at the polls and be a democracy hero. You could volunteer to greet folks as they come in, so lines stay short. You could volunteer as a ballot clerk and check folks in and hand them their ballots. Our city/town might also need folks this year to count a higher than usual amount of write-in ballots by hand. All of these roles are fun and rewarding. Contact [town/city clerk name, phone number, email] to volunteer.

How to Submit and LTE in NH


Towns That Need Poll Workers



New Durham
















East Kingston



Mont Vernon

New Ipswich


Actions for September 16-September 22

Action 1 - Share/RSVP For Upcoming Events

Breaking Down Policies: Endangering Education and the Environment

Be sure to join us to hear our wonderful speakers, Andru Volinsky, Esq. and Rob Werner, discuss the harmful policy changes outlined in Project 2025 and Agenda 47 for public education and the environment. Democracy, education, and our environment depend on each other to survive. ((This is a hybrid event, so if you are unable to attend in person you can attend via zoom here.))

WHEN: September 17, 2024 at 6:00pm - 7pm EST
WHERE: Manchester Public Library, Auditorium
405 Pine St, Manchester, NH 03104

Open Democracy Book Club: Democracy in Black

September 24th at 7pm EST

Our next book club session is a few months away - September 24th at 7pm - but now is a great time to order your copy and start reading! Be sure to RSVP, share the event with your fellow bibliophiles, and get reading. The next book that has been chosen for the Open Democracy Book Club is Democracy in Black by  Eddie S. Glaude Jr. The book is part manifesto, part history, part memoir, it argues that we live in a country founded on a “value gap”—with white lives valued more than others—that still distorts our politics today.

Learn more and register here.

Open Democracy Book Club: Democracy Awakening

December 11th at 7pm EST

Join Open Democracy Book Club on Wednesday, December 11 at 7 pm Eastern for a discussion of Heather Cox Richardson‘s vital and urgent call to action about the precarious state of American democracy. Professor Richardson will be joining us for the discussion and Q&A.

Learn more and RSVP.

Action 2 - Tell the Governor About Your Disappointment - Signing HB1569

Unfortunately, Governor Sununu signed HB1569 into law last Thursday, and though it will not apply to this year's elections it is disappointing that it will impact following elections to come. We wanted to thank you all for your tireless work to urge this bill get vetoed, and ask you to hold the Governor accountable for signing off on this legislation by letting him know that you are disappointed in his decision.

Governor Sununu's Contact Information

Office of the Governor
State House
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-2121
[email protected]

Action 3 - Write an LTE Thanking Our Poll Workers

The primaries ran smoothly across the state last week thanks to the hard work and dedication of our poll workers and we want to make sure that the public knows it. This week write an LTE that thanks our poll workers and gives them credit for making our elections continue to run smoothly. 

How to Submit and LTE in NH

Sample LTE:

Our election workers are the unsung heroes of our state primaries. They work long hours at the polls, ensuring we all have equal access to our ballots and that we are able to exercise our constitutional right to vote. Many of our poll workers work late into the night to tally up our ballots, even after spending the entire day at the polls. These volunteers from our communities step up to the plate to keep our democracy going as a selfless act of civic duty.

They are the friendly faces who greet folks as they come in, answering questions and helping keep the polling lines short. Greeters, ballot clerks, supervisors of the checklist, town clerks, moderators all work together, following our state election law procedures to make sure each and every one of our votes are counted during our elections. Thank you all for the work you did during our recent primary.

Bonus Action - Write a Thank You Note to Your Poll Workers

Our poll workers worked hard last Tuesday to make sure the Primary went off without a hitch, so this week lets show them that they are appreciated. Take a moment this week to handwrite a thank you message to your local poll workers or town clerk. 

Actions for September 9-September 15

Action 1 - Vote, Tell 5 Friends to Vote, & Bring a Friend to the Polls

The State Primary is happening THIS TUESDAY, September 10th be sure to get out and vote! Also encourage your friends and family to get out and vote! I have included links to the NHCVR Flag Form and the recording of our Nonpartisan Poll Observer training for those who are volunteering at the polls as a poll worker or a poll observer, also for anyone to report on what the polls are like while they are there to cast their ballots. Was there enough parking? Long lines? Anything out of the ordinary, or was everything running smoothly? Let us know! 

Flag Form

Training Recording

Please use the One4All Machines when you cast your ballot, if you can, and answer the following questions:

  • Is the one4all system for accessible voting set up and functioning? If not, why? 
  • What is the process for assisting someone who wants to use the one4all machine?

Action 2 - Watch & Share Secretary of State Videos 

The SOS office has released a series of short videos talking about misinformation, AI generated content, the One4All machines, voting information for New Americans, and more. Be sure to share these across your social media accounts to inoculate against misinformation and to educate.


Action 3 - Share HS Voter Registration Conference with Your School District

Where: Roger and Jean Francine Student Center Event Space at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, NH

When: September 14th from 10am-2pm

Invite your school district to join us for our High School Voter Registration Conference, share with the principals and social studies/civics teachers in your districts so we can get the ball rolling on as many high school drives as we can across the state! VoterCon 2024 is an opportunity to bring voter registration to your high school campus. We will be hosting students and educators from all over the state to learn about what a high school voter registration drive is, the importance and impact of registering to vote in high school, and how we can help!

RSVP Link.

Flyer PDF


Bonus Actions - Spark the Vote Challenge & Share Know Your Ballot Graphics

The Spark the Vote Social Media & Film Challenge is a non-partisan, nonprofit campaign that brings the power of social media and creative filmmaking to inspire voter turnout. Nothing moves people more than personal stories, spoken from the heart.

For this challenge simply create a short video(s) about why you vote focusing on one of seven issues that most Americans agree on:

Climate • Healthcare • Marriage Equality Women’s Bodily Autonomy • Sensible Gun Laws Honest & Fair Elections • Democracy

Then post the video(s) on your socials using the hashtag #SparkChallenge and submit your entries for our Spark The Vote Social Media & Film Challenge by September 15th (Democracy Day!) at 11:59pm ET/8:59pm PT in order to be officially entered into and qualify for $5,000 The Challenge awards.

Spark the Vote Video Challenge Details/Rules 

Many people don't know what their elected officials actually do , and we want to fix that! I have created a series of graphics to be shared far and wide so everyone can know the roles that are on their NH ballots.


Actions for September 2-September 8

Action 1 - Continue to Urge Governor Sununu to Veto HB1569

We are pushing for as many calls, emails, social media posts, and mailed letters as we can to keep the pressure on. Focus on messaging around the disenfranchisement of voters, the potential loss of our motor voter exemption and the associated costs.

Link to Email Governor Sununu via UJoin 

Governor Sununu's Contact Information

Office of the Governor
State House
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-2121
[email protected]


To tag Governor Sununu in a social media post all you need to do is start typing @Governor Chris Sununu into your Facebook post and click on his account when it pops up.

Graphic for post


Action 2 - Share the Legislative Scorecard

The legislative scorecards have finally released! Share them with your friends, family, and colleagues so they are able to see how their legislators voted on democracy bills last session. 

View Scorecards Here


Action 3 - Talk to Your Candidates About Redistricting, Money in Politics, and Voting Rights

The primaries are only a week away so now is the time to ask your candidates for office what their stances are on redistricting, money in politics, and voting rights and urge them to prioritize supporting redistricting reform, campaign finance reforms (such as voter owned elections), closing the LLC loophole, and strengthening voting rights. 


Bonus Action - Volunteer for Concord Multicultural Event 

Open Democracy will be tabling at the Concord Multicultural Festival on September 22nd from 11am-5pm and we are looking for volunteers to help.

If you are available to volunteer please email Doreen at [email protected]


Actions for August 26-September 1

Action 1 - Continue to Urge Governor Sununu to Veto HB1569

We are pushing for as many calls, emails, social media posts, and mailed letters as we can to keep the pressure on. Focus on messaging around the disenfranchisement of voters, the potential loss of our motor voter exemption and the associated costs.

Link to Email Governor Sununu via UJoin 

Governor Sununu's Contact Information

Office of the Governor
State House
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-2121
[email protected]


To tag Governor Sununu in a social media post all you need to do is start typing @Governor Chris Sununu into your Facebook post and click on his account when it pops up.

Graphic for post


Action 2 - Supervisor of the Checklist Meeting Observing

NHCVR is looking for volunteers to observe upcoming Supervisor of the Checklist meetings. These meetings are open to the public, though not many members of the public attend. They are not looking for volunteers to take any actions at the meeting simply to observe and take note of the following items: 

  • Voter Removals
    • Carefully observe if any voters are being removed from the voter roll. Record the voter's name to ensure we can notify them and monitor the 30-day letter process.
  • Reason for Removal: Document the reason provided for each voter's removal. Provide as much context and detail as possible.

  • Voter Disincentives: Note any discussions or actions that could dissuade voters from registering or casting their vote.

  • NCOA Data Usage: Check if supervisors are using National Change of Address (NCOA) data for voter removal. 
    • If so, are they sending them 30 day letters?
    • Determine whether the removal affects just the individual voter or others in the same household.

  • Citizen Auditors: If citizen auditors are present, document what proof they are using to advocate for a voter's removal.

After the meeting, report back with your findings to Sarah Chouinard at [email protected].


SOC Meeting Guide & Report Template

Spreadsheet of Upcoming SOC Meetings


Action 3 - Social Media Post About Voting

With such an important election mere weeks away we want to be sure that we have as much voter participation as possible. So this week we ask that you make a social media post about voting. I have included graphics below on how to find your voter information, asking if they have a voting plan, and highlighting the election dates.


Actions for August 19-August 25

Action 1 - Continue to Urge Governor Sununu to Veto HB1569

We are pushing for as many calls, emails, social media posts, and mailed letters as we can to keep the pressure on. Focus on messaging around the disenfranchisement of voters, the potential loss of our motor voter exemption and the associated costs.

Link to Email Governor Sununu via UJoin 

Governor Sununu's Contact Information

Office of the Governor
State House
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-2121
[email protected]


To tag Governor Sununu in a social media post all you need to do is start typing @Governor Chris Sununu into your Facebook post and click on his account when it pops up.

Graphic for post

Action 2 - Contact Local Civics Groups about Practicing Democracy Project

The Practicing Democracy Project is almost ready and we have begun scheduling presentations. So please contact your local civics groups (rotary clubs, church groups, etc.) to host a Practicing Democracy presentation for their members.

To learn more about the Practicing Democracy Project go to:

Action 3 - Share Mis/disinformation Inoculation on Social Media

With the uptick of mis/disinformation being shared on social media we would like to help as much as we can by sharing content that help inoculate against misinformation and highlights correct information. Common Cause has shared an inoculation content library to help make this easier, so this week we ask that you share a post from the library on your social media accounts to help fight back against election misinformation online.


Actions for August 12-August 18

Action 1 - Ask 5 Friends to Urge Governor Sununu to Veto HB1569

We are pushing for as many calls, emails, social media posts, and mailed letters as we can to keep the pressure on. 

I have created a new UJoin Link below for you to share it with friends.

New Link to Email Governor Sununu via UJoin 

Governor Sununu's Contact Information

Office of the Governor
State House
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-2121
[email protected]


To tag Governor Sununu in a social media post all you need to do is start typing @Governor Chris Sununu into your Facebook post and click on his account when it pops up.

Graphic for post

Action 2 - Share Sample Ballots/Webpage to Find Sample Ballots

Sample ballots have just dropped and now people can begin to research their candidates! Be sure to contact 5 friends to share sample ballots and the Secretary of State's webpage where individuals can look up their sample ballots. And post on your social media that sample ballots are available and how to look them up. 



Action 3 - Poll Worker Recruitment

The following towns are looking for poll workers for the upcoming primary and general election. If you have friends or colleagues in these communities please contact them to see if they would like to volunteer.



Actions for August 5-August 11

Action 1 - HB1569 Urge Governor Sununu to Veto

The Secretary of State will begin training election workers starting on July 31 - please ask the Governor to veto before the election worker training begins so we don't have to double train workers. We have reached the point where if the Governor were to sign this into law our state would have different rules for our primary and our general election. We are pushing for as many calls, emails, social media posts, and mailed letters as we can to keep the pressure on. 

UJoin only allows one email per person, if you have already used the UJoin please email using his direct email linked in his contact information below.

Link to Email Governor Sununu via UJoin 

Governor Sununu's Contact Information

Office of the Governor
State House
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-2121
[email protected]


To tag Governor Sununu in a social media post all you need to do is start typing @Governor Chris Sununu into your Facebook post and click on his account when it pops up.

Graphic for post


Action 2 - Absentee Ballot Request-Meals on Wheels

Starting in 2020, Team members distributed “How to Vote Absentee” Flyers to Granite Staters participating in Meals on Wheels. We are continuing the effort this election cycle, to get Absentee Ballot Request Forms sent to homes with meals in as many Meals on Wheels programs as we can. Folks in these programs receive their meals in their homes, and the thought is to bring the ballot directly to them, as well.

Please reach out to the contact personnel for your local Meals on Wheels program and ask if they would be interested in distributing Absentee Ballot Request Forms to their Meals on Wheels recipients. Explain that these forms would allow the recipients to vote in the upcoming election, that Meals on Wheels distributed this information during 2020 election, and that this is a nonpartisan, get out the vote effort.

The Absentee Ballot Request Form is available to download HERE.

If the Meals on Wheels program does not feel comfortable distributing the Request Form, but would distribute information on how to access the form and vote, that information is available HERE.

Please reach out to Doreen ([email protected]) if your Meals on Wheels program would prefer to receive printed copies of the Absentee Ballot Request Form and/or voting information form, rather than email PDFs. Doreen can make those copies to mail, just let her know how many you need and where she should send them.


Action 3 - RSVP/Share Project 2025 & Agenda 47 Event and Our Upcoming Trainings

Breaking Down Policies: Devastating BIPOC Communities, Voting Rights, & Immigration

August 6th, at 4pm EST

Join Open Democracy Action on Tuesday, August 6 at 4PM to celebrate the anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Explore how Project 2025 and Agenda 47 would dismantle the hard-won protections and civil rights advancements that this landmark legislation established for us. And focus on how Project 2025 and Agenda 47 would dramatically impact people of color, voting rights, and immigration. 

RSVP here.

The Backbone of Our Elections: Election Workers and their Roles

August 7th, at 6pm EST

Join Open Democracy on Wednesday, August 7 at 6PM to learn about the different jobs elections workers do on election day in New Hampshire. Election workers are our fellow community members and local heroes, who do the important work of running free and fair elections. 

RSVP here.

Countering Election Misinformation and Disinformation

August 14th at 6pm EST

Join Open Democracy and Common Cause for our upcoming training, "Countering Election Misinformation and Disinformation." During this training you will learn about the problem of misinformation and disinformation in our various media sources, what work is being done to fix the problem, and how you can help.

RSVP here.

Nonpartisan Poll Observing 101

August 28th at 6pm EST

Have you ever been interested in being a pool observer or are you interested in learning more about what they do? Join us on August 28th for our upcoming webinar, "Nonpartisan Poll Observing 101." In a time where there are countless false narratives being spread about the safety and integrity of our elections, poll observers are more vital than ever before.

RSVP here.


Actions for July 29-August 4

Action 1 - HB1569 Urge Governor Sununu to Veto

The Secretary of State will begin training election workers starting on July 31 - please ask the Governor to veto before the election worker training begins so we don't have to double train workers. We have reached the point where if the Governor were to sign this into law our state would have different rules for our primary and our general election. We are pushing for as many calls, emails, social media posts, and mailed letters as we can to keep the pressure on. 

UJoin only allows one email per person, if you have already used the UJoin please email using his direct email linked in his contact information below.

Link to Email Governor Sununu via UJoin 

Governor Sununu's Contact Information

Office of the Governor
State House
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-2121
[email protected]


To tag Governor Sununu in a social media post all you need to do is start typing @Governor Chris Sununu into your Facebook post and click on his account when it pops up.

Graphic for post

Action 2 - Check your town's polling information is correct

In preparation for the upcoming election, we are asking that you check your town's website to make sure that the polling location information is correct. If the location listed is wrong please follow up with your town clerk's office to let them know about the error.

2024 Polling Place Spreadsheet

Action 3 - Social Media Post on Registering to Vote

In the past week, an amazing 100,000 voters registered to vote in the upcoming election and we want to keep that momentum going! So take a moment this week to make a social media post and share about how to register to vote here in NH.

Information to highlight:

You can vote in local, state & federal elections in New
Hampshire if you are:

❑ A United States citizen
❑ At least 18 years old on election day
❑ A New Hampshire resident (your primary
residence is in NH). If you have recently moved
to NH, you can register as soon as you establish
your primary residence here.

You can register as a Democrat, Republican, or
Undeclared voter.

To register, you need to fill out a Voter
Registration Form with your local clerk or supervisor of
the checklist and provide proof of your citizenship, age,
primary residence address (domicile), and identity.

NH Voter Pocket Voter Guide

SOS Voter Registration Webpage


Actions for July 22-July 28

Action 1 - HB1569 Urge Governor Sununu to Veto

The Secretary of State will begin training election workers starting on July 31 - please ask the Governor to veto before the election worker training begins so we don't have to double train workers. We have reached the point where if the Governor were to sign this into law our state would have different rules for our primary and our general election. We are pushing for as many calls, emails, social media posts, and mailed letters as we can to keep the pressure on. 

UJoin only allows one email per person, if you have already used the UJoin please email using his direct email linked in his contact information below.

Link to Email Governor Sununu via UJoin 

Governor Sununu's Contact Information

Office of the Governor
State House
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-2121
[email protected]


To tag Governor Sununu in a social media post all you need to do is start typing @Governor Chris Sununu into your Facebook post and click on his account when it pops up.

Graphic for post


Action 2 - Call your town clerk and ask if they have enough election workers for Sept 10, and Nov 5

The primaries and general election are fast approaching so it is time for us to get started on poll worker recruitment. This week reach out to check with your town or city clerk's office to see what poll workers are needed in your community and start reaching out to potential volunteers. Please be sure to let us know of any vacancies your town has for poll workers so we can include them in our social media outreach efforts.


Action 3- Call Election Officials and Ask Them to Contact Sununu to Veto HB1569

Several election officials publicly opposed HB1569 earlier this year. We are asking that you choose one or two names from the spreadsheet to call and ask them to contact the Governor to veto the bill. Just make sure to check the notes column in the spreadsheet before calling to make sure they haven't already been called, and update it as you connect with folks. If you are interested in helping with this action, please email [email protected] so we can get you access to the the contact information spreadsheet.

Call Script


Action 4 - RSVP and Share Our Upcoming Events with 5 Friends

Voter Owned Elections: Reducing the Influence of Big Money in Politics

July 24th at 6pm EST

Join us for our webinar, "Voter Owned Elections: Reducing the Influence of Big Money in Politics" to learn how voter owned elections take the power back from large donors and return it to the public. Explore how a publicly funded system could level the playing field for more diverse candidates. Discover how you can help make voter owned elections a reality in NH.

RSVP here.

Sign Making Party

July 26th at 9:30am EST, Depot Square, Peterborough, NH

Join us August 26 at 9:30 am for a sign making party for the August 3 Granny D Memorial Walk AND the 2024 Democracy Festival.   Our theme this year is  Mobilizing a Multigenerational Democracy! You bring your ideas, we'll bring the supplies.  

RSVP here.

Granny D Memorial Walk

August 3rd, at 9am 

This year's walk honoring our founder Doris "Granny D" Haddock will begin near Granny D's home on Cobb Meadow Rd. in Dublin at 9 am (Please plan to park in Peterborough at Riverwalk (48 Grove St.) and be shuttled to the start of the walk).  We'll walk approximately 6.2 miles to Putnam Park in Peterborough for 12 noon where we'll enjoy lunch and the 2024 Democracy Festival!

Can't walk the entire length? We'll have stops along the way for you to join.

RSVP or sponsor a walker here.

Democracy Festival

August 3rd, Putnam Park, Peterborough, NH at 12pm

Save Saturday, August 3, 2024 for an afternoon of food (including free Ben & Jerry's ice cream), music by Folksoul Duo, speakers and activities for a Democracy Festival: Mobilizing a Multigenerational Democracy!

RSVP here.

The Backbone of Our Elections: Election Workers and their Roles

August 7th, at 6pm EST

Join Open Democracy on Wednesday, August 7 at 6PM to learn about the different jobs elections workers do on election day in New Hampshire. Election workers are our fellow community members and local heroes, who do the important work of running free and fair elections. 

RSVP here.

Countering Election Misinformation and Disinformation

August 14th at 6pm EST

Join Open Democracy and Common Cause for our upcoming training, "Countering Election Misinformation and Disinformation." During this training you will learn about the problem of misinformation and disinformation in our various media sources, what work is being done to fix the problem, and how you can help.

RSVP here.

Fisher Cats Fundraising Event

Are you a fan of baseball? 
For the first time Open Democracy is partnering with the New Hampshire Fisher Cats Foundation. A portion of ticket proceeds go directly to Open Democracy. Enjoy an evening of baseball, history, and advocacy at NH Primaries Night with the New Hampshire Fisher Cats! Come join the fun as they honor the legacy of our state's political landscape. Get your tickets today!

When: Friday, Aug 23, 2024 @ 6:35 PM EST

Where: Delta Dental Stadium, 1 Line Dr, Manchester, NH 03101, US

Ticket Price: $14

Click here to purchase tickets

Reception with Miles Rapoport

September 15th at 2pm

Please join us for a special author event with Miles Rapoport on September 15th from 2-4 pm at the Women's Club historic Chamberlin House in Concord (44 Pleasant St).

Learn more and RSVP.

Open Democracy Book Club: Democracy in Black

September 24th at 7pm EST

Our next book club session is a few months away - September 24th at 7pm - but now is a great time to order your copy and start reading! Be sure to RSVP, share the event with your fellow bibliophiles, and get reading. The next book that has been chosen for the Open Democracy Book Club is Democracy in Black by  Eddie S. Glaude Jr. The book is part manifesto, part history, part memoir, it argues that we live in a country founded on a “value gap”—with white lives valued more than others—that still distorts our politics today.

Learn more and register here.

Open Democracy Book Club: Democracy Awakening

December 11th at 7pm EST

Join Open Democracy Book Club on Wednesday, December 11 at 7 pm Eastern for a discussion of Heather Cox Richardson‘s vital and urgent call to action about the precarious state of American democracy. Professor Richardson will be joining us for the discussion and Q&A.

Learn more and RSVP.

Actions for July 15-July 21

Action 1- HB1569 is at the SOS Office, Urge Governor Sununu to Veto

HB1569 is finally enrolled, signed by the speakers, and is at the Secretary of State's office. We have reached the point where if the Governor were to sign this into law our state would have different rules for our primary and our general election and our election officials would have to receive two different sets of training in a very short window of time. We are pushing for as many calls, emails, social media posts, and mailed letters as we can to keep the pressure on. 

UJoin only allows one email per person, if you have already used the UJoin please email using his direct email linked in his contact information below.

Link to Email Governor Sununu via UJoin 

Governor Sununu's Contact Information

Office of the Governor
State House
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-2121
[email protected]


To tag Governor Sununu in a social media post all you need to do is start typing @Governor Chris Sununu into your Facebook post and click on his account when it pops up.

Graphic for post

Action 2 - Nonpartisan Poll Observers

We are beginning our search for volunteers to be nonpartisan poll observers, please let us know if you or someone you know is interested in helping perform this vital service. We will be holding a training on what a nonpartisan poll observer does on August, 28th at 6pm - more details and the registration page will be coming soon.

Action 3 - Mis/Disinformation Tracking

Misinformation and disinformation are on the rise, especially with the election fast approaching and recent political events. With that being said we are asking for your help tracking these false narratives as they cross your path. Let us know what mis/disinformation you are seeing, what is the message being spread, what organization or individual shared it with you, what format it is (commercial, Facebook post, Twitter post, internet ad, email, etc.), when you saw it and any other pertinent information you feel we need to know. 


Actions for July 8-July 14

Action 1- HB1569 enrolled, push Sununu to take action before July 10th

HB1569 is finally enrolled, now is the time for our final push, so please if you haven't already contact the Governor and tell him to veto HB1569 and emphasize that this bill would take place 60 days after signing. That means if he signs it after July 10th our Primary and our General Election will have different rules that our poor election workers will have to learn and implement, and the Secretary of State's office would have to provide trainings for. We are pushing for as many calls, emails, social media posts, and mailed letters as we can to keep the pressure on. 

UJoin only allows one email per person, if you have already used the UJoin please email using his direct email linked in his contact information below.

Link to Email Governor Sununu via UJoin 

Governor Sununu's Contact Information

Office of the Governor
State House
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-2121
[email protected]


To tag Governor Sununu in a social media post all you need to do is start typing @Governor Chris Sununu into your Facebook post and click on his account when it pops up.

Graphic for post


Action 2- Poll Worker Recruitment

The primaries and general election are fast approaching so it is time for us to get started on poll worker recruitment. This week reach out to check with your town or city clerk's office to see what poll workers are needed in your community and start reaching out to potential volunteers. Please be sure to let us know of any vacancies your town has for poll workers so we can include them in our social media outreach efforts.


Action 3-RSVP/Share Voter Owned Elections Webinar

Voter Owned Elections: Reducing the Influence of Big Money in Politics

July 24th at 6pm EST

Join us for our webinar, "Voter Owned Elections: Reducing the Influence of Big Money in Politics" to learn how voter owned elections take the power back from large donors and return it to the public. Explore how a publicly funded system could level the playing field for more diverse candidates. Discover how you can help make voter owned elections a reality in NH.

RSVP here.


Actions for July 1-July 7

Action 1- HB1569 enrolled, push Sununu to take action before July 10th

HB1569 is finally enrolled, now is the time for our final push, so please if you haven't already contact the Governor and tell him to veto HB1569 and emphasize that this bill would take place 60 days after signing. That means if he signs it after July 10th our Primary and our General Election will have different rules that our poor election workers will have to learn and implement, and the Secretary of State's office would have to provide trainings for. We are pushing for as many calls, emails, social media posts, and mailed letters as we can to keep the pressure on. 

UJoin only allows one email per person, if you have already used the UJoin please email using his direct email linked in his contact information below.

Link to Email Governor Sununu via UJoin 

Governor Sununu's Contact Information

Office of the Governor
State House
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-2121
[email protected]


To tag Governor Sununu in a social media post all you need to do is start typing @Governor Chris Sununu into your Facebook post and click on his account when it pops up.

Graphic for post


Action 2- RSVP for Upcoming Events

John Lewis Candlelight Vigil & Sign Holding

July17th at 6pm outside Senator Maggie Hassan's Office in Manchester

On the 4th anniversary of the passing of the Late Congressman John Lewis, countless activists will come together in events across the country to commemorate his death and more importantly his life work to secure voting rights for all people. Open Democracy Action will be holding a Candlelight Vigil outside of Senator Maggie Hassan's Manchester office location. We will be holding candles in Congressman Lewis's memory and signs advocating for the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, the Freedom to Vote Act, and the Native American Voting Rights Act carrying on his mission of equal voting rights for all. 

RSVP here.

Granny D Memorial Walk

August 3rd, at 9am

This year's walk honoring our founder Doris "Granny D" Haddock will begin near Granny D's home on Cobb Meadow Rd. in Dublin at 9 am (Please plan to park in Peterborough at Riverwalk (48 Grove St.) and be shuttled to the start of the walk).  We'll walk approximately 6.2 miles to Putnam Park in Peterborough for 12 noon where we'll enjoy lunch and the 2024 Democracy Festival!

Can't walk the entire length? We'll have stops along the way for you to join.

RSVP or sponsor a walker here.


Democracy Festival

August 3rd, Putnam Park, Peterborough, NH at 12pm

Save Saturday, August 3, 2024 for an afternoon of food (including free Ben & Jerry's ice cream), music by Folksoul Duo, speakers and activities for a Democracy Festival: Mobilizing a Multigenerational Democracy!

RSVP here.


Open Democracy Book Club: Democracy in Black

September 24th at 7pm

Our next book club session is a few months away - September 24th at 7pm - but now is a great time to order your copy and start reading! Be sure to RSVP, share the event with your fellow bibliophiles, and get reading. The next book that has been chosen for the Open Democracy Book Club is Democracy in Black by  Eddie S. Glaude Jr. The book is part manifesto, part history, part memoir, it argues that we live in a country founded on a “value gap”—with white lives valued more than others—that still distorts our politics today.

Learn more and register here.


Action 3- Social media post for fourth of July

We hope that you enjoy your Independence Day, and we ask that you share a social media post demanding independence from big money in politics!

Graphic for Post


Actions for June 24-June 30

Action 1- Social Media Post asking Sununu to Veto HB1569

HB 1569 is still in the enrollment process, in the meantime, we are putting as much pressure as possible on the Governor to veto it once it reaches his desk. To support this effort we ask you to please post on your social media feeds about why it's so vital to defeat this bill and tag him (@Governor Chris Sununu). If you are unfamiliar, to tag him all you need to do is start typing @Governor Chris Sununu into your Facebook post and click on his account when it pops up.

Eliminating Affidavits Advocacy Toolkit (includes sample social media language and key talking points to highlight)

Graphic for post


Action 2 - Write an LTE on HB1569 Asking Sununu to Veto

We suspect we only have a week or two before HB1569 reached Sununu's desk so this week please submit LTEs to encourage the Governor to veto the bill and highlight how problematic this bill is.

Sample LTE:

To the Editor: Once again there is legislation introduced to complicate a person’s right to vote. In a state where both our governor and our secretary of state have deemed our elections as fraud-free and our election system as working, we have those who wish to upend our standard effective process.

This bill would remove the ability for a person who does not have their identification or proof of domicile from making corrections to their voting information or from actually voting in an election. Currently, if a person does not have the requisite identification, they are provided with an affidavit to sign that carries serious consequences for abuse. This bill removes that as an option.

It would seem this bill is looking to fix a problem that does not exist. It serves to impair the right to vote for folks who may be experiencing homelessness and documentation may not be easily available with regard to domicile — likewise for the elderly and disabled. With zero evidence of election fraud, this bill is an unnecessary impedance.

In our legislature, we have many important issues needing the attention of our elected officials. What we don’t need is the creation of these kinds of barriers. This bill also places a burden on election workers as well as our citizens. It addresses a non-issue, that of election impropriety. Time and time again, officials across party lines have affirmed the safety and integrity of our elections.

Please urge Governor Sununu to veto HB 1569.



Eliminating Affidavits Advocacy Toolkit (includes sample social media language and key talking points to highlight)


Action 3 - Share/RSVP for John Lewis Candlelight Vigil

John Lewis Candlelight Vigil & Sign Holding

July17th at 6pm outside Senator Maggie Hassan's Office in Manchester

On the 4th anniversary of the passing of the Late Congressman John Lewis, countless activists will come together in events across the country to commemorate his death and more importantly his life work to secure voting rights for all people. Open Democracy Action will be holding a Candlelight Vigil outside of Senator Maggie Hassan's Manchester office location. We will be holding candles in Congressman Lewis's memory and signs advocating for the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, the Freedom to Vote Act, and the Native American Voting Rights Act carrying on his mission of equal voting rights for all. 

RSVP here.


Actions for June 17-June 23

Action 1- RSVP/Share Our Tuesday Webinar

Maine Public Funding of Elections: Lessons learned & organizing ideas

June 18th from 6pm-7pm

Join us for a conversation with Anna Keller where they discuss how Maine’s publicly funded elections came to be and how we can create a similar system for New Hampshire.

Learn more & RSVP here


Action 2 - Phone bank to have people call the governor to veto HB1569

HB1569 denies eligible voters the right to register to vote unless they have documents proving identity, age, domicile (address) and citizenship. To prove citizenship, voters would have to provide either a passport, birth certificate, or naturalization papers. HB1569 is heading to Gov. Sununu’s desk, so 603 Forward will be running a phone bank on Thursday, June 20th at 6pm to encourage the Governor to veto HB1569.

Register to phone bank here


Action 3 - Take Pride in Voting Social Media Post

Pride month is here, to celebrate share a post on social media encouraging others to take pride in voting and make their voices heard! Make posts that encourage others to register, or check their voter status to make sure they are still properly registered. 

Take Pride in Voting Graphic


Bonus Action - Thank You Note to Representative Connie Lane

Representative Lane fought hard against HB1569 and HB1370 this session and played a large role in getting HB1370 tabled on Thursday, June 13th. We would like to acknowledge her dedication and hard work with a heartfelt thank you. So we ask you to take a moment to write Rep. Lane a message of thanks this week.

Rep. Connie Lane
34-1 Cabernet Drive
ConcordNH 03303
[email protected]


Actions for June 10-June 16

Action 1- Contact Governor Sununu to Veto HB1569

HB1569 is still in the enrollment process and hasn't yet reached Governor Sununu. We ask that you - if you haven't already - call, email, and/or send a letter to Governor Sununu and urge him to veto this bill when it reaches his desk.

Link to Email Governor Sununu via UJoin

Governor Sununu's Contact Information

Office of the Governor
State House
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-2121
[email protected]

Action 2- Contact Legislators to Oppose HB1370

HB1370 has left the Committee of Conference and is going back to the House and Senate for final approval. The bill is a slightly altered duplicate of HB1569 that removes affidavits for voter registration and establishes an untested hotline that is intended to be fully operational in under three months time, a herculean task that is impossible to pull off without at least some hiccups. We ask that you email your legislators urging them to oppose HB1370. If your legislators already oppose HB1370 please urge them to be in attendance for the vote as we will need as many votes as possible to defeat this bill. Additionally, please ask people in your network to contact their legislators to oppose HB1370.

Link to Email Legislators via UJoin


Action 3- Attend Press Conference on HB1370

Kent Street Coalition and 603 Forward will be holding a press conference next week on HB1370/HB1569. Please join to ask the important questions on the implications of these bills. They are inviting Secretary Scanlan to attend and answer our questions, there will be brief remarks by representatives from the voting rights community.

Date: Tuesday, June 11th

Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Location: In front of the State House, Concord, NH

Learn more and RSVP HERE


Bonus Action - Share/RSVP for Upcoming events

Maine Public Funding of Elections: Lessons learned & organizing ideas

June 18th from 6pm-7pm

Join us for a conversation with Anna Keller where they discuss how Maine’s publicly funded elections came to be and how we can create a similar system for New Hampshire.

Learn more & RSVP here

NH Gives

June 11-12th from 5 pm-5 pm

Open Democracy is participating in this year's NH Gives! NH Gives is the state's largest day-of-giving - bringing together hundreds of nonprofits and tens of thousands of donors to raise as much money and awareness as possible for the causes served by NH's nonprofit sector. We have several pledged donation matches so that the first $1,450 worth of donations will be doubled so this is a prime opportunity to make your donations count! We ask that you share our NH Gives page with 5 friends in the days leading up to June 11th, and remind people to support Open Democracy during the day of giving!

Link to Open Democracy's NH Gives Donation Page

Annual Meeting

Please join Open Democracy and Open Democracy Action for the 2024 Annual Meeting! 

WHEN: Flag Day, June 14, 2024 at 6 pm

WHERE: The Derryfield Restaurant, 625 Mammoth Rd, Manchester, NH

Our very special guest will be Pulitzer Prize-winning former New York Times reporter, Emmy award-winning producer and correspondent, Hedrick Smith!

Purchase a ticket and RSVP here.

John Lewis Candlelight Vigil & Sign Holding

July17th at 6pm outside Senator Maggie Hassan's Office in Manchester

On the 4th anniversary of the passing of the Late Congressman John Lewis, countless activists will come together in events across the country to commemorate his death and more importantly his life work to secure voting rights for all people. Open Democracy Action will be holding a Candlelight Vigil outside of Senator Maggie Hassan's Manchester office location. We will be holding candles in Congressman Lewis's memory and signs advocating for the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, the Freedom to Vote Act, and the Native American Voting Rights Act carrying on his mission of equal voting rights for all. 

RSVP here.

Open Democracy Book Club: Democracy in Black

Our next book club session is a few months away - September 24th at 7pm - but now is a great time to order your copy and start reading! Be sure to RSVP, share the event with your fellow bibliophiles, and get reading. The next book that has been chosen for the Open Democracy Book Club is Democracy in Black by  Eddie S. Glaude Jr. The book is part manifesto, part history, part memoir, it argues that we live in a country founded on a “value gap”—with white lives valued more than others—that still distorts our politics today.

Learn more and register here.


Actions for June 3-June 9

Action 1- Contact Governor Sununu to Veto HB1569

Unfortunately, HB1569 has passed both the House and the Senate so we have to make one final push with Governor Sununu. We ask that you call, email, and/or send a letter to Governor Sununu and urge him to veto this bill when it reaches his desk.

Link to Email Governor Sununu via UJoin

Governor Sununu's Contact Information

Office of the Governor
State House
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-2121
[email protected]

Action 2- Share/Get tickets for our Fisher Cats Fundraising Event

Are you a fan of baseball? 
For the first time Open Democracy is partnering with the New Hampshire Fisher Cats Foundation. A portion of ticket proceeds go directly to Open Democracy. Enjoy an evening of baseball, history, and advocacy at NH Primaries Night with the New Hampshire Fisher Cats! Come join the fun as they honor the legacy of our state's political landscape. Get your tickets today!

When: Friday, Aug 23, 2024 @ 6:35 PM EST

Where: Delta Dental Stadium, 1 Line Dr, Manchester, NH 03101, US

Ticket Price: $14

Click here to purchase tickets


Action 3- Committee of Conference Ujoin Email

There are several bills going to committee of conference this week among those are HB1091 and the dreaded HB1370 being discussed Wednesday, June 5th starting at 10:15 am. HB1091 is a much needed bill that cleans up the inconsistent language and general lack of clarity in campaign finance law. HB1370 was amended beyond recognition so it is no longer a bill for the boxes used to secure ballots, but instead a slightly altered duplicate of HB1569 that establishes an untested hotline that is intended to be fully operational in under three months time, a herculean task that is impossible to pull off without at least some hiccups. So we ask that you email the members of the committee of conference to urge them to kill HB1370 and support HB1091, particularly it's definition of political committee and online filing requirement.

Link to email the Committee via Ujoin

Bonus Action - Share/RSVP for Upcoming events

NH Gives

June 11-12th from 5 pm-5 pm

Open Democracy is participating in this year's NH Gives! NH Gives is the state's largest day-of-giving - bringing together hundreds of nonprofits and tens of thousands of donors to raise as much money and awareness as possible for the causes served by NH's nonprofit sector. We have several pledged donation matches so that the first $1,450 worth of donations will be doubled so this is a prime opportunity to make your donations count! We ask that you share our NH Gives page with 5 friends in the days leading up to June 11th, and remind people to support Open Democracy during the day of giving!

Link to Open Democracy's NH Gives Donation Page

Annual Meeting

Please join Open Democracy and Open Democracy Action for the 2024 Annual Meeting! 

WHEN: Flag Day, June 14, 2024 at 6 pm

WHERE: The Derryfield Restaurant, 625 Mammoth Rd, Manchester, NH

Our very special guest will be Pulitzer Prize-winning former New York Times reporter, Emmy award-winning producer and correspondent, Hedrick Smith!

Purchase a ticket and RSVP here.

John Lewis Candlelight Vigil & Sign Holding

July17th at 6pm outside Senator Maggie Hassan's Office in Manchester

On the 4th anniversary of the passing of the Late Congressman John Lewis, countless activists will come together in events across the country to commemorate his death and more importantly his life work to secure voting rights for all people. Open Democracy Action will be holding a Candlelight Vigil outside of Senator Maggie Hassan's Manchester office location. We will be holding candles in Congressman Lewis's memory and signs advocating for the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, the Freedom to Vote Act, and the Native American Voting Rights Act carrying on his mission of equal voting rights for all. 

RSVP here.

Open Democracy Book Club: Democracy in Black

Our next book club session is a few months away - September 24th at 7pm - but now is a great time to order your copy and start reading! Be sure to RSVP, share the event with your fellow bibliophiles, and get reading. The next book that has been chosen for the Open Democracy Book Club is Democracy in Black by  Eddie S. Glaude Jr. The book is part manifesto, part history, part memoir, it argues that we live in a country founded on a “value gap”—with white lives valued more than others—that still distorts our politics today.

Learn more and register here.

Actions for May 27-June 2

Action 1- Enjoy your long Memorial Day weekend!

Action 2- Email your State Representative to Vote Against HB1370 as Amended

Help us protect our democracy and voter's rights in New Hampshire today - contact your State Representative and ask them to vote against HB1370 as amended by the State Senate. This bill is heading back to the House this Thursday, May 30th, after being amended by the Senate for them to vote whether or not to concur with the amendment. HB1370 was amended beyond recognition so it is no longer a bill for the boxes used to secure ballots, but instead a slightly altered duplicate of HB1569. 

Link to Email your State Representative via Ujoin


Action 3- Share/RSVP for our Upcoming Events

Unstacking the Deck

May 28, 2024 at 6:00pm - 7pm
Nashua Public Library, 2 Court St, Nashua, NH 03060

Join Open Democracy for this unique community event where we will explore empowering small donors to break the cycle of racial exclusion in our democracy and economy. 

Learn more and RSVP at:

Annual Meeting

Please join Open Democracy and Open Democracy Action for the 2024 Annual Meeting! 

WHEN: Flag Day, June 14, 2024 at 6 pm

WHERE: The Derryfield Restaurant, 625 Mammoth Rd, Manchester, NH

Our very special guest will be Pulitzer Prize-winning former New York Times reporter, Emmy award-winning producer and correspondent, Hedrick Smith!

Purchase a ticket and RSVP here.


Actions for May 20-May 26

Action 1- Call and Email your State Senator to OPPOSE HB1569

HB1569 passed on the Senate floor last week, but is heading back to Finance as it has a fiscal note so we have one more chance on the Senate floor. We do not yet have a date for it to be voted on a second time in the full Senate, but it could happen as early as next Wednesday, so we ask that you call and email your State Senators to ask them to oppose this bill. Our top legislative priority is still opposing HB1569 (and now also HB1370) as it would be the single most restrictive law around registering to vote in the country and could result in denying countless voters from both political parties their constitutional right to vote.

For talking points, a call script, list of Senator phone numbers, & more view the NHCVR HB1569 Senate Advocacy Toolkit

Link to Email Your Senator via UJoin


Action 2- Email your State Representative to Vote Against HB1370 as Amended

Help us protect our democracy and voter's rights in New Hampshire today - contact your State Representative and ask them to vote against HB1370 as amended by the State Senate. This bill is heading back to the House after being amended by the Senate for them to vote whether or not to concur with the amendment. HB1370 was amended beyond recognition so it is no longer a bill for the boxes used to secure ballots, but instead a slightly altered duplicate of HB1569. 

Link to Email your State Representative via Ujoin


Action 3- High school voter registration cap gown and ballots share on socials

The end of the school year is fast approaching, and now is a perfect time to plan a high school voter registration drive! Let's get the word out about hosting a drive and encourage our youth to register before they graduate. Share the toolkits and/or graphics on your social media accounts to help spread awareness.


Open Democracy High School Voter Registration Drive Toolkit

The Civics Center Cap, Gown & Ballot Toolkit

The Civics Center Shareable Graphics


Action 4- Share our upcoming events with 5 friends


Intro to Social Media: The Modern Tools of Advocacy and Activism

Do you want to be more involved in online activism? Join us for our Intro to Social Media training on Wednesday, May 22nd at 6:00pm. Learn the basics of digital advocacy across the popular social media platforms of today.

Learn more and RSVP at:


Unstacking the Deck

May 28, 2024 at 6:00pm - 7pm
Nashua Public Library, 2 Court St, Nashua, NH 03060

Join Open Democracy for this unique community event where we will explore empowering small donors to break the cycle of racial exclusion in our democracy and economy. 

Learn more and RSVP at:


Bonus Action- Thank Senator Carson for Opposing HB1569

If you are a member of Senator Carson's district or have a good rapport with her please send a thank you card or call to her office for protecting New Hampshire voters' rights and opposing HB1569.


Senator Carson Contact Information

19 Tokanel Dr, 
Londonderry, NH 03053



Actions for May 13-May 19

Action 1- Email your State Senator to OPPOSE HB1569

HB1569 is moving to the Senate floor this Thursday, May 16th, so we ask that you call and email your State Senators to ask them to oppose this bill. Our top legislative priority is still opposing HB1569 as it would be the single most restrictive law around registering to vote in the country and could result in denying countless voters from both political parties their constitutional right to vote.


For talking points, a call script, list of Senator phone numbers, & more view the NHCVR HB1569 Senate Advocacy Toolkit

Link to Email Your Senator via UJoin


Action 2- Sign holding with Kent St.

Join us and Kent St to hold signs opposing HB1569 in front of the State House in Concord Thursday, May 16th at 9am. Signs and sign-making materials will be provided.


Action 3- Share our upcoming trainings with 5 friends

Help us reach as wide of an audience as possible for our upcoming trainings by sharing them on your social media accounts and by inviting 5 friends.

Organizing 101

Please join us for Organizing 101: How to Build Connections with Elected Officials on Thursday, May 16th at 6pm. During this workshop we will explore how organizers build power & move members to action. How do we invite more people into the democracy movement? We’ll discuss some strategies for organizing, building relationships, and moving others to action.

RSVP at:


Intro to Social Media: The Modern Tools of Advocacy and Activism

Do you want to be more involved in online activism? Join us for our Intro to Social Media training on Wednesday, May 22nd at 6:00pm. Learn the basics of digital advocacy across the popular social media platforms of today.

RSVP at:


Actions for May 6-May 12

Action 1- Sign in on bills

Support SB537 by Emailing Your State Rep

SB537-relative to the processing of absentee ballots.

Public Hearing: Going to the House Floor with no recommendation from the committee

Thursday, May 9th

This bill:

I.  Allows for the preprocessing of absentee ballots. 

II.  Removes the requirement that absentee ballots be placed in outer envelopes unless such ballots are mailed to town or city clerks.  The bill also allows clerks to open outer envelopes to allow applicants time to cure defects.

Link to Email State Reps via UJoin



HB1348-(New Title) governing the application for a ballot recount in a state general election.

Public Hearing: Senate Election Law and Municipal Affairs, LOB 103

Tuesday, May 7th 10:20am

This bill prescribes the criteria and filing deadline for an application for a ballot recount in a state general election. Upon review of this bill it became apparent that it is built on a foundation of baseless widespread voter fraud fears and is legislation in search of a problem. We ask that you sign in and/or submit testimony to oppose this bill.

Link to Sign in on Senate bills 



HB1014-relative to instruction in government and civics, including information on election laws and voting.

Public Hearing: Senate Education, LOB 101

Tuesday, May 7th 9:10am

This is the odd education bill that was supposed to be heard last week but had to be rescheduled due to the hearing of other bills going over on time. Please sign-in on this bill and email the committee if you didn't have a chance to last week.

Link to Sign in on Senate bills 

Email the Committee


Action 2- Share/Register for our upcoming trainings

Organizing 101

Please join us for Organizing 101: How to Build Connections with Elected Officials on Thursday, May 16th at 6pm. During this workshop we will explore how organizers build power & move members to action. How do we invite more people into the democracy movement? We’ll discuss some strategies for organizing, building relationships, and moving others to action.

RSVP at:


Intro to Social Media: The Modern Tools of Advocacy and Activism

Do you want to be more involved in online activism? Join us for our Intro to Social Media training on Wednesday, May 22nd at 6:00pm. Learn the basics of digital advocacy across the popular social media platforms of today.

RSVP at:


Action 3- Mother's Day Card to Senators Shaheen and Hassan

This Mother's Day we would like to send a nice thank you message to our US Senators Shaheen and Hassan for supporting the John Lewis Voting Rights advancement and wish them luck in garnering support across the political aisle. We encourage you personalizing your card but have included some sample language below.


Wishing you a happy mother's day. Thank you for your work protecting our democracy for all the Granite State children. Thank you for support the John Lewis Voting Rights advancement to expand the voting rights for future generations. We wish you luck building a bipartisan coalition with the other Senators to pass this bill. 


Mailing Addresses:

Senator Maggie Hassan
1589 Elm Street
Third Floor
Manchester, NH 03101

Senator Shaheen
340 Central Avenue, Suite 205
Dover, NH 03820

Bonus-Email the committee/Write an LTE or Op-Ed Opposing HB1569

If you didn't have the chance to last week be sure to email the committee, and write an LTE or Op-Ed talking about how detrimental HB1569 would be to voter's rights in New Hampshire.

Link to Email the Committee via UJoin


Actions for Apr 29-May 5

Action 1- Email the committee/Write an LTE or Op-Ed Opposing HB1569

Our top legislative priority is still opposing HB1569 so if you haven't already, be sure to email the committee, and write an LTE or Op-Ed talking about how detrimental this bill would be to voter's rights in New Hampshire.

Link to Email the Committee via UJoin

Sample Op-Ed:

HB 1569 tinkers with voter registration laws that aren’t broken

CURRENTLY, New Hampshire residents who are eligible to vote can register at the polls on any election day. If by chance they are missing any of the required identification documents, there are affidavits that can be signed, with follow-up procedure requirements, that allow them to vote that day. The affidavits are signed under penalty of perjury, and carry significant penalties for failure to comply.

An engaged citizenry exercising the right to vote is both the hallmark of our democracy and guarantor of its thriving and continuity. Yet House Bill 1569’s sponsor wants to make voting harder, impossible for anyone whose life circumstances might put them in a position of needing to use the affidavit. In the name of preventing fraudulent voting, there must be perfect attention and compliance in every person’s voter registration efforts — there are NO reasonable exceptions in this world.

As a 77-year-old New Hampshire resident who has actively engaged as a political volunteer, whenever possible, since my early 20s, and who has witnessed ZERO evidence of or attempts at voter fraud, I strongly oppose HB 1569. By their very language, including penalties for violating these oaths, voter affidavits make clear the serious consequences of a voter signing these documents fraudulently. In the very rare cases where it has occurred, fraudulent voting behavior in New Hampshire has been pursued and prosecuted.

Especially since the 2022 Commission on Voter Confidence issued its report, we know that our elections have the highest level of integrity. We have solid safeguards in place already against the possibility of attempts at voter fraud.

In 2016, I witnessed directly the need for voter affidavits when helping a friend’s parents vote who were in their 80s. My friend had moved them here from Chicago in order to be able to support their needs, and within a year they had moved to an assisted living facility.

Having lived most of their adult lives in Chicago, they were unfamiliar with New Hampshire candidates, but were interested, and actively engaged in civic learning through various media resources and discussions. When it was time to register and to vote, the town clerk came to the facility. All went well until the father reported his birthplace in South America and the clerk asked for documentation of his naturalized citizen status.

Unfortunately, most of what they brought from Chicago was stored, and there was no quick way to locate papers or passports. After 60-plus years as a voting naturalized citizen who raised a family here, whose American-born wife was a social worker in a major Chicago children’s hospital, who himself had an advanced degree in economics and had served for years as a chief auditor for the State of California, this man was told he was not going to be able to vote.

I frequently visited with this couple and was with them that day to help in the voting process if they needed it. I called their son-in-law, who is an attorney. He communicated with the Secretary of State’s Office and pursued other relevant avenues until his father-in-law was able to sign an affidavit attesting to his citizenship and to vote.

This is only one story, but it is definitely not an isolated one.

Thirty-plus years ago I was in graduate school working two jobs and trying to help my widowed father in the early stages of his dementia. I moved in with him.

Only just in time did I remember to re-register in my new ward. Only because I’ve been a political volunteer since age 20, I firmly believe, did I think of it at all. Not many people are likely to have that as a memory aid, but a very large number of our fellow citizens have lives at least as busy as mine was then.

Let’s not be suspicious and judgmental by doing away with the voter registration affidavit. Instead, let’s be positive and affirming of each other, and continue to support in every way we can our democratic values, especially our right to vote.

Let’s not remove the affidavit without cause and deny eligible voters their rights.

Please defend the rights of all those eligible to vote in New Hampshire. Please oppose House Bill 1569.


Lois Cote lives in Manchester.


Action 2- Sign-in on Bills


HB1014-relative to instruction in government and civics, including information on election laws and voting.

Public Hearing: Senate Education, LOB 101

Tuesday, April 30th 9:30am

The situation with this bill is somewhat complex, hence the unusual choice for us to sign-in with the neutral position. HB1014 was introduced as a high school voter registration education law that we supported and advocated for strongly. However, the amended version of the bill that passed the House and is being considered now by the Senate is an almost meaningless shadow of it's former version. So we are asking you to make a statement by signing in neutral and emailing the committee to explain that you support the introduced version of the bill, but not it's current amended version.

Link to Sign in on Senate bills 

Email the Committee



HB1264-relative to the definition of accessible voting systems.

Public Hearing: Senate Election Law and Municipal Affairs, LOB 103

Tuesday, April 30th 9:45am

This bill directs cities and towns to enable access to voting for individuals with disabilities during elections.

Link to Sign in on Senate bills 


SB537-relative to the processing of absentee ballots.

Public Hearing: House Election Law, LOB 301-303

Tuesday, April 30th 10:00am

This bill:

I.  Allows for the preprocessing of absentee ballots. 

II.  Removes the requirement that absentee ballots be placed in outer envelopes unless such ballots are mailed to town or city clerks.  The bill also allows clerks to open outer envelopes to allow applicants time to cure defects.

Link to Sign in on House Bills 


Action 3- Contact Supervisors of the checklist in District 3

We would like to convince Senator Bradley from District 3 to oppose HB1569 if/when it move to the Finance Committee and subsequently the Senate floor. In working toward this goal, we ask if you know any of the supervisors of the checklist in his district that you talk to them about HB1569 and ask them to contact Senator Bradley to voice their opposition of the bill. Our election workers' voices need to be heard on this as they are the ones who are threatened most by this piece of legislation. HB1569 will make their jobs more difficult and put them on the frontlines to deal with angry voters.

District 3 Towns: Albany, Bartlett, Bean's Grant, Bean's Purchase, Brookfield, Chandler's Purchase, Chatham, Conway, Crawford's Purchase, Cutt's Grant, Eaton, Effingham, Freedom, Green's Grant, Hadley's Purchase, Hale's Location, Hart's Location, Jackson, Lincoln, Livermore, Madison, Martin's Location, Middleton, Milton, Moultonborough, Ossipee, Pinkham's Grant, Sargent's Purchase, Tamworth, Thompson and Meserve's Purchase, Tuftonboro, Wakefield, Waterville Valley, and Wolfeboro.


Actions for Apr 22-Apr 28

Action 1 - Sign-in on Bills


HB1150-Removal of Political Ad Disclosure

The Senate Election Law hearing for HB1150 has been scheduled for this upcoming Tuesday, April 23rd at 9:30am in Senate Election Law. This bill requires that rates for political advertising be the same regardless of candidate, political committee, party, or cause while removing language about disclosing political advertisements.

Please sign-in and submit testimony to oppose HB 1150. 

Link to Sign in on Senate bills 


HB1569-Removal of ID Exceptions/Affidavits

The Senate Election Law hearing for HB1569 (eliminating affidavits) has been scheduled for this upcoming Tuesday, April 23rd at 9:40am in Senate Election Law. If passed, HB1569 would be the single most restrictive law around registering to vote in the country. It is vital for us to strongly oppose this bill.

Please email the committee, sign-in and submit testimony to oppose HB 1569. If you are available consider testifying in person.

Link to Email the Committee via UJoin

Link to Sign in on Senate bills 



HB1091-Campaign Finance 

The Senate Election Law hearing for HB1091 has been scheduled for this upcoming Tuesday, April 23rd at 9:20am in Senate Election Law. This bill makes various changes to the laws that regulate the financing of political campaigns. 

Please sign-in and submit testimony to support HB 1091. 

Link to Sign in on Senate bills 


HB1596-AI Disclosure 

The Senate Election Law hearing for HB1596 has been scheduled for this upcoming Tuesday, April 23rd at 10:00am in Senate Election Law. This bill requires the disclosure of media created using artificial intelligence and deepfakes used in political advertising.

Please sign-in and submit testimony to support HB 1596. 

Link to Sign in on Senate bills 


Action 2-Hold signs opposing HB1569

Please join us and our partners from Kent St. on Tuesday, April 23rd at 8:30 am - before the hearing - in LOB to demonstrate our opposition of HB1569 by holding signs.


Action 3-Ask 5 friends to sign-in on HB1569 

HB1569 is an extreme bill that will have massive negative ramifications for NH voters regardless of political party. If passed it would result in voters being turned away at the polls if they were missing even one document for registration, denying them their constitutional right to vote. This bill would put our election workers in the difficult position of having to turn people away during a major - and highly contentious - election, and could potentially put them in harms way. With this in mind we ask that you talk to five of your friends/family/colleagues about HB1569 and ask them to sign-in and oppose this dangerous bill.


Bonus Action-Share Ballots and Brews with 5 friends

Democracy is for everyone, but only a fraction of New Hampshire residents get involved in the political process beyond voting in general elections - or even know how to start. Let's work together to fix that!

Our Ballots and Brews event on Wednesday, May 1st, at the Barcode Lounge & Grill in Manchester is an approachable introduction to the New Hampshire legislative process. We ask that you share this event with the college students and young professionals in your life so we can help build more youth engagement in our democracy.

Learn more and RSVP here.

Flyer for sharing the event here.


Actions for Apr 15-Apr 21

Action 1 - Sign-in on Bills


SB 453 will have a public hearing in the House Finance Committee, April 17th at 1:00pm in LOB 210-211. This bill makes an appropriation to the statewide voter registration system. Please sign-in and submit testimony to support SB453.

Link to Sign in on House Bills 



HB 1369 will have a public hearing in Senate Election Law, April 16th at 10:20am in LOB 103. This bill changes the verification of voter rolls by the supervisors of the checklist to every 4 years. Please sign-in and submit testimony to oppose HB1369.

Link to Sign in on Senate bills


HB 1569

The Senate Election Law hearing for HB1569 (eliminating affidavits) has been scheduled for this upcoming Tuesday, April 23rd at 9:40am in Senate Election Law. If passed, HB1569 would be the single most restrictive law around registering to vote in the country. It is vital for us to strongly oppose this bill.

Please email the committee, sign-in and submit testimony to oppose HB 1569. If you are available consider testifying in person.

Link to Email the Committee via UJoin

Link to Sign in on Senate bills 


Additionally, please join us and our partners from Kent St. before the hearing at 8:30 am in LOB to demonstrate our opposition of this bill by holding signs.


Action 2 - Upcoming Events RSVP and Share

Rally for Peace and Planet

Join a coalition of Peace and Climate Action organizations (including New Hampshire Peace Action350NH, Sierra Club, Climate Action NH, and Back from the Brink) for a rally at City Plaza.

Earth Day is coming up, and while this is a celebratory time we should also remember that we live in a country with stiff resistance to taking action on climate change. A big reason for this is the bipartisan support for endless money to industries that benefit heavily from lax environmental regulations. Help us show solidarity between environmentalists and the anti war movement and learn about the ways that you can get involved in your area.

Learn more and RSVP here.


Minority Rule: A Conversation with Ari Berman

Join the Workers Circle on April 30, 2024 at 7:00pm for a conversation with Ari Berman on the themes of his book, Minority Rule: The Right-Wing Attack on the Will of the People — And the Fight to Resist It, and how we can fight back against these regressive forces. The conversation will be moderated by Noelle Damico, Director of Social Justice at the Workers Circle. There will be ample time for audience questions and answers. 

Learn more and RSVP here.


Ballots and Brews

Democracy is for everyone, but only a fraction of New Hampshire residents get involved in the political process beyond voting in general elections - or even know how to start. Let's work together to fix that!

Our Ballots and Brews event on Wednesday, May 1st, at the Barcode Lounge & Grill in Manchester is an approachable introduction to the New Hampshire legislative process. We ask that you share this event with the college students and young professionals in your life so we can help build more youth engagement in our democracy.

Learn more and RSVP here.

Flyer for sharing the event here.


Annual Meeting

Please join Open Democracy and Open Democracy Action for the 2024 Annual Meeting! 

WHEN: Flag Day, June 14, 2024 at 6 pm

WHERE: The Derryfield Restaurant, 625 Mammoth Rd, Manchester, NH

Our very special guest will be Pulitzer Prize-winning former New York Times reporter, Emmy award-winning producer and correspondent, Hedrick Smith!

Purchase a ticket and RSVP here.


Action 3 - Share a social media post connecting the environment and money in politics

Earth day is fast approaching and to celebrate we would like for you to share a social media post that spreads awareness about the connection between the environment and money in politics. This could be as easy as sharing an article or video that discusses this topic, or highlighting the work of local environmental advocacy groups to change this system for the better.


Bonus Action - Share/submit your story for HB1569

Have you ever had to sign an affidavit to vote? Do you have access to your birth certificate, naturalization papers, or a passport? Have you ever been without them?

House Bill 1569 is a massive threat to voting rights and elections in New Hampshire that would, among other things, require demonstrated proof of citizenship in order to register and vote - i.e., a passport, naturalization papers, or a birth certificate.

The New Hampshire Campaign for Voting Rights is looking to hear from folks who could be or would have been impacted by this legislation, in part of an ongoing effort to defeat HB1569 in the New Hampshire legislature.

Share your story here.


Actions for Apr 8-Apr 14

Action 1 - Upcoming Events

NHCVR Grassroots Briefing: HB1569

Please join us and NHCVR on Tuesday, April 9th at 7pm for a special grassroots briefing on HB1569, a massive threat to voting rights and elections in New Hampshire that would require demonstrated proof of citizenship in order to register and vote. After registering, be sure to share with friends and colleagues!

RSVP here


Open Democracy Book Club: Unthinkable

Our next book club session is only a few days away - April 11th at 7pm. Be sure to RSVP, share the event with your fellow bibliophiles, and get reading. The next book that has been chosen for the Open Democracy Book Club is Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth, and the Trials of American Democracy by Jamie Raskin. The book is raw and captivating, putting you in the headspace of the legislators on Capitol Hill during the events that took place on January 6, 2021.

The author, Congressman Raskin, will join us via Zoom for the first half hour of the meeting for discussion and Q&A.

Learn more and register here.


Ballots and Brews

Democracy is for everyone, but only a fraction of New Hampshire residents get involved in the political process beyond voting in general elections - or even know how to start. Let's work together to fix that!

Our Ballots and Brews event on Wednesday, May 1st, at the Barcode Lounge & Grill in Manchester is an approachable introduction to the New Hampshire legislative process. We ask that you share this event with the college students and young professionals in your life so we can help build more youth engagement in our democracy.

Learn more and RSVP here.

Flyer for sharing the event here.


Annual Meeting

Please join Open Democracy and Open Democracy Action for the 2024 Annual Meeting! 

WHEN: Flag Day, June 14, 2024 at 6 pm

WHERE: The Derryfield Restaurant, 625 Mammoth Rd, Manchester, NH

Our very special guest will be Pulitzer Prize-winning former New York Times reporter, Emmy award-winning producer and correspondent, Hedrick Smith!

Purchase a ticket and RSVP here.


Action 2 - Email Your Town Clerk 

During the hearing for HB447 - a bill allowing grants to be given to cities and towns for the purchase of election equipment - Secretary of State David Scanlan testified there's enough surplus in a federal election fund to support the replacement of outdated voting machines in our cities and towns and “[he has] also said in the past that when we achieve a surplus in the account, we would use
the money for one-time programs that would assist elections at the local level.” Despite this Secretary Scanlan went on to encourage the committee to kill this bill that would accomplish exactly that.

So we ask that you contact your town clerk to email Senator Gray and Secretary of State Scanlan to request HAVA funds for replacing outdated voting machines in your town or to reimburse machines they already purchased. 


Action 3 - Share on Social Media About HS Voter Registration Drives

The end of the school year is fast approaching, and now is a perfect time to plan a high school voter registration drive! Let's get the word out about hosting a drive and encourage our youth to register before they graduate. Share the toolkits and/or graphics on your social media accounts to help spread awareness.


Open Democracy High School Voter Registration Drive Toolkit

The Civics Center Cap, Gown & Ballot Toolkit

The Civics Center Shareable Graphics


Actions for Apr 1-Apr 7

Action 1 - Sign in on bill HB447

Please sign in and submit testimony to support HB447 prior to its public hearing in Senate Election Law Tuesday, April 2nd @ 9:30am, LOB 103. This bill allows grants to be given to cities and towns for the purchase of election equipment.

Link to Sign in on Senate bills


Action 2 - Write a thank you note to Governor Sununu

A recent Concord Monitor article by Michaela Towfighti discussed how the country’s current political system, with PAC donations driving multi-million dollar campaigns, is what deterred him from running for Senate in 2022 “The fact that someone can write a $250,000 check to a PAC and no one ever sees it or knows where it comes from, that’s bogus.” -Governor Sununu

It is wonderful that Governor Sununu has made such a clear statement against the practice of utilizing dark money in politics. In that spirit we ask that you write a handwritten thank you note for taking a stand, and ask him what changes he would like to see in our current campaign finance system.

Concord Monitor Sununu Article


Governor's Contact Information

Office of the Governor
State House
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-2121
(603) 271-7680 (fax)


Action 3 - RSVP and Share NHCVR Grassroots Briefing: HB1569 

Please join us and NHCVR on Tuesday, April 9th at 7pm for a special grassroots briefing on HB1569, a massive threat to voting rights and elections in New Hampshire that would require demonstrated proof of citizenship in order to register and vote. After registering, be sure to share with friends and colleagues!

RSVP here


Actions for Mar 25-Mar 31

Action 1 - Contact Your State Representative to Support HB1014 & HB1596


HB1014 has left the House Election Law Committee with no recommendation and will be voted on in the upcoming House session on March 28th at in the State House. New Hampshire youth voters are being under-represented in our democracy. HB1014 aims to address the large disparity by requiring school districts and private high schools to develop programs that inform high school students about registering to vote. Please call or email your State Representative and ask them to support HB1014.

Link to Email State Representative via UJoin

State Representative Contact Information Search Tool

To learn more about the efforts being made to increase youth voter registration in New Hampshire check out the recently released research report by The Civics Center 


HB1596 has left the House Election Law Committee with no recommendation and will be voted on in the upcoming House Session on March 28th. This bill requires the disclosure of deceptive synthetic media and deceptive and fraudulent deep fakes usage in political advertising. With the rapid development of AI technologies, deepfakes are beginning to impact our elections and can be used to sway the votes of the people. Legislation has to evolve to keep up. 

Link to Email State Representative via UJoin

State Representative Contact Information Search Tool


Action 2 - Book Club: RSVP, Share, and Read

Open Democracy Book Club: Unthinkable

When: Thursday, April 11th at 7:00 pm

Our next book club session is only three weeks away! Be sure to RSVP, share the event with your fellow bibliophiles, and get reading. The next book that has been chosen for the Open Democracy Book Club is Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth, and the Trials of American Democracy by Jamie Raskin. The book is raw and captivating, putting you in the headspace of the legislators on Capitol Hill during the events that took place on January 6, 2021.

The author, Congressman Raskin, will join us via Zoom for the first half hour of the meeting for discussion and Q&A.

Learn more and register here.


Action 3 - Social Media Post About Women in Democracy

March is Women's History Month, to celebrate let's highlight how women impact our democracy! This week share a post that spotlights women in democracy. Women fill 80% of the election worker and administration roles in the United States. Show the women who make our democracy work that their efforts are appreciated!


Actions for Mar 18-Mar 24

Action 1 - Sign-in on bills


SB 489 - Election audits

This bill requires the secretary of state to conduct audits of a certain percentage of ballot counting devices to be used at state primary and general elections.

Executive Session: House Election Law Committee, March 19th @ 10:00am LOB 306-308

Link to Sign in on House Bills 

Link to Email the Committee via UJoin


SB535 - Absentee Ballots

This bill updates the absentee ballot request form to match state statute that enables a person who would otherwise vote in person but has concerns about traveling during a winter storm warning to receive an absentee ballot.

Executive Session: House Election Law Committee

March 19th @ 10:20am LOB 306-308

Link to Sign in on House Bills 


Action 2 - RSVP and Share our Upcoming Event

Our High School Voter Registration Volunteer Workshop is a week away. Be sure to RSVP for the event and please share with as many of the teachers and students in your lives as you can. 

Highschool Voter Registration Volunteer Workshop 

When: March 26th, 6:00pm EST

Join volunteers across your state to help NH high school students register to vote before they graduate this spring! Learn how to encourage and empower students and educators to organize voter registration events for their schools in NH.

Learn more and register here


Action 3 - Upcoming External Virtual Events

There are several upcoming virtual events centered on strengthening our democracy and voting rights. Be sure to learn more and RSVP to ones that interest you.

March 20, 3pm-4pm: Brennan Center for Justice holds a virtual event entitled, "The Missing Constitutional Right." RSVP here.

March 25, 3pm: Issue One hosts a virtual event entitled, "Women Who Make Democracy Work" with New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver and others. RSVP here.

March 26, 12pm: Washington Post Live hosts a virtual event entitled, "Stephen Breyer on ‘Reading the Constitution,’ the Supreme Court and American Democracy." RSVP here.

April 30, 3pm: Brennan Center for Justice holds a virtual event entitled, "Elected Officials Under Siege" with New York Attorney General Letitia James and others. RSVP here.


Actions for Mar 11-Mar 17

Action 1 - Sign-in to SUPPORT HB 463


HB 463 - election information portal

This bill authorizes the secretary of state to develop an election information portal.

Public Hearing: Senate Election Law and Municipal Affairs Committee, March 12th @ 9:40am LOB 103

Link to Sign in on Senate bills

Link to Email the Committee via UJoin


Action 2 - Share book club flyer with local library 

Open Democracy Book Club: Unthinkable

The next book that has been chosen for the Open Democracy Book Club is Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth, and the Trials of American Democracy by Jamie Raskin. The author, Congressman Raskin, will join us via Zoom for the first half hour for discussion and Q&A. Share the flyer for the event at your local library.

When: Thursday, April 11th at 7:00 pm

Learn more and register here.

Book Club Flyer


Action 3 - Hold signs for HB1569 on Thursday, March 14th

Join Kent St in holding signs and passing out handouts asking legislators to vote no on HB1569 this Thursday from 8:00am to 10:00am at the State House (outside and upstairs at Reps Hall). Signs and handouts will be provided to you.


Bonus Action - Brennan Center Virtual Event

On March 20th the Brennan Center for Justice will be holding a virtual event entitled, "The Missing Constitutional Right."  Richard Hasen, professor of law and political science and director of the Safeguarding Democracy Project at UCLA School of Law. He will be joined by moderator Wilfred Codrington, associate professor of law at Brooklyn Law School. Hasen and Codrington will discuss what it means to include an affirmative right to vote in the Constitution and what it would take to get there.  

RSVP here.


Actions for Mar 4-Mar 10

Action 1 - LTE on HB 1569 and Email Your State Reps on HB 1569

HB 1569 left the House Election Law Committee with no recommendation during their executive session on Tuesday, March 5th, so the bill is moving to the House floor. Given the risk that this bill poses, we are taking a strong stance and providing as much pushback on this as possible. Please write an LTE on HB 1569, email and/or call your Representatives urging them to oppose this bill before the executive session takes place.

Link to Email Committee via UJoin

Sample LTE:

To the Editor:

When registering to vote, people are asked for proof of identity, age, domicile, and citizenship; if lacking required proof, they are afforded the opportunity to sign a binding affidavit, having significant penalties if abused, then register and cast a ballot. This process safeguards our elections and ensures no legitimate voter is turned away. Gov. Sununu states the system works, has integrity, and represents the gold standard for voting; reinforced by Secretary of State Scanlan, caretaker of our elections, stating “There’s no evidence that I’ve seen of any organized, widespread voter fraud taking place in New Hampshire.” Furthermore, UNH polling indicates 92% of voters had confidence in Election 2022 outcomes.

Current law protects voters who arrive at the polling place, as they have done routinely, but discover their name has been purged from the voter rolls, or whose qualifying documents are in transition, inaccessible, or were destroyed by fire or flood, or simply forgotten. However, the NH legislature is considering HB 1569, which eliminates, in sweeping fashion, certain currently available affidavits as options for voting, and ignores our history of secure and accurate
elections. Amendments cannot cure.

Since June 2, 1784, our Constitution has been amended by a super majority will of the people to expand voting rights. With SCOTUS rolling back established rights, including voting protections, and warning of general roll backs of more rights, it is imperative our legislature not follow suit by rolling back existing options for voting.

Bob Perry


Action 2 - Invite Teachers and Students to our Highschool Voter Registration Volunteer Workshop

Please share this upcoming event with as many of the teachers and students in your lives as you can. 

Highschool Voter Registration Volunteer Workshop 

When: March 26th, 6:00pm EST

Join volunteers across your state to help NH high school students register to vote before they graduate this spring! Learn how to encourage and empower students and educators to organize voter registration events for their schools in NH.

Learn more and register here


Action 3 - Invite People to Join our Regional Democracy Teams

We are looking to grow our Regional Democracy Teams membership base so we can make a bigger impact on our democracy. Many hands make light work, and when it comes to building our democracy there is always work to be done. We ask that you invite 5 people to join our Teams.

Link to Sign-up for Teams


Bonus Action -  Thank Our Senators

Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan joined a group of 50 U.S. Senators to reintroduce the John R. Lewis Voting Advancement Act, legislation that would update and restore critical safeguards of the original Voting Rights Act. 

The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act is endorsed by hundreds of organizations, including the following leading civil rights organizations: Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, American Civil Liberties Union, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF), MALDEF, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC, Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law and Demos.

This week we ask that you contact Senator Hassan and Senator Shaheen to thank them for taking this step to support equal voting rights.

The full text of the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act can be found here.

A section-by-section analysis of the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act can be found here.


Actions for Feb 26-Mar 3

Action 1 - Sign in to OPPOSE HB1150


HB 1150 - Print Media Political Disclosures

This bill removes the requirement to mark certain political advertising with the phrase "political advertising."

Public Hearing: House Election Law Committee, February 27th @ 9:00am LOB 306-308

Link to Sign in on House Bills 


Action 2 - LTE on HB 1569 and Email the Committee on HB 1569

HB 1569 poses a huge risk to the integrity of our elections in New Hampshire and would result in the disenfranchisement of thousands of NH voters by removing their ability vote using an affidavit if they don't have access to their required identifying documents for any number of reasons. This law strips away much needed nuance that understands that life can be messy, house fires happen, homelessness happens, misplacing and forgetting documents happens. The ability to use affidavits for voting assures that as many eligible voters as possible are able to cast their ballots and have their voices heard.

Given the risk that this bill poses we are taking a strong stance and providing as much pushback on this as possible, so we are asking that you write an LTE on HB 1569 and/or email the committee urging them to oppose this bill.

Link to Email Committee via UJoin

Sample LTE:

To the Editor:

HB1569 is legislation in search of a problem. This voter suppression law could cost any voter - from either party - their right to register and vote in an election by eliminating voter identification exceptions. HB1569 would require documents to be provided every time someone registers to vote – even if they are updating their registration with something as simple as a new address. Voters who lost their documents in fires or natural disasters before an election would be unfairly barred from voting. It could also impact any voter who is unknowingly removed from the voter checklist and therefore doesn’t bring all of their documents with them to vote. Citizens should not have their right to vote ripped away because of missing paperwork.

This bill is extreme, going so far as to remove the only fail-safe process Granite Staters have to ensure their right to vote if they have lost or forgotten documents to register under the guise of 'protecting' our elections. Meanwhile, government officials on both sides of the political aisle have gone on record stating that our New Hampshire elections are safe, secure, and free of widespread fraud. Secretary of State Dave Scanlan has even said, “There's no evidence that I've seen of any organized widespread voter fraud taking place in New Hampshire." This bill would not strengthen the integrity of our elections, instead, this legislation would erect barriers to vote for some of our most vulnerable citizens: New Americans, houseless people, the elderly, and more.


Action 3 - Register & Share Our Upcoming Events

We have three great events coming up, our Remembering Selma event in March and our next Book Club meeting in April. Be sure to register for these events and share with five friends.

Remembering Selma in NH: Past, Present & Future

When: Sunday, March 3rd at 2:30pm

Join us to commemorate the 59th anniversary of "Bloody Sunday" with a community march, car rally, panel discussion and potluck lunch.  

Learn more and register here.

Voter Registration Volunteer Workshop 

When: March 26th, 6:00pm EST

Join volunteers across your state to help NH high school students register to vote before they graduate this spring! Learn how to encourage and empower students and educators to organize voter registration events for their schools in NH.

Learn more and register here

Open Democracy Book Club: Unthinkable

When: Thursday, April 11th at 7:00 pm

The next book that has been chosen for the Open Democracy Book Club is Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth, and the Trials of American Democracy by Jamie Raskin.  

The author, Congressman Raskin, will join us via Zoom for the first half hour for discussion and Q&A.

Learn more and register here.

Actions for Feb 19-Feb 25

Action 1 - Sign in on Bills 


CACR19 - Redistricting

This constitutional amendment concurrent resolution establishes an independent redistricting commission to draw the boundaries for state and federal elections.

Public Hearing: House Election Law Committee, February 20th @ 9:00am LOB 306-308

Link to Sign in on House Bills 


HB1264 - Accessible Voting

This bill directs cities and towns to enable access to voting for individuals with disabilities during elections.

Public Hearing: House Election Law Committee, February 20th @ 10:15am LOB 306-308

Link to Sign in on House Bills 

Link to Email Committee via UJoin


HB1557 - Electronic Registration Info Center

This bill requires the secretary of state to enter into a membership agreement with the Electronic Registration Information Center.

Public Hearing: House Election Law Committee, February 20th @ 1:00pm LOB 306-308

Link to Sign in on House Bills 



HB1569 - Voter ID Exceptions/Affidavits

This bill removes any exceptions for proving voter identification.  This bill also removes the voter affidavits as proof of identification and repeals the procedures for affidavit ballots.

Public Hearing: House Election Law Committee, February 20th @ 1:25pm LOB 306-308

Link to Sign in on House Bills 

Link to Email Committee via UJoin


HB1200 - Storage of Paper Ballots

This bill establishes certain procedures to secure the printing, use, and storage of paper election ballots.

Public Hearing: House Election Law Committee, February 20th @ 9:50am LOB 306-308

Link to Sign in on House Bills 


HB1310 - Frequency of Checklist Meetings

This bill requires the supervisors of the checklist to meet every 90 days.

Public Hearing: House Election Law Committee, February 20th @ 10:35am LOB 306-308

Link to Sign in on House Bills 


Action 2 - Register & Share Our Upcoming Events

We have two great events coming up, our Remembering Selma event in March and our next Book Club meeting in April. Be sure to register for these events and share with five friends.

Remembering Selma in NH: Past, Present & Future

When: Sunday, March 3rd at 2:30pm

Join us to commemorate the 59th anniversary of "Bloody Sunday" with a community march, car rally, panel discussion and potluck lunch.  

Learn more and register here.

Open Democracy Book Club: Unthinkable

When: Thursday, April 11th at 7:00 pm

The next book that has been chosen for the Open Democracy Book Club is Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth, and the Trials of American Democracy by Jamie Raskin.  

The author, Congressman Raskin, will join us via Zoom for the first half hour for discussion and Q&A.

Learn more and register here.


Action 3 - Share the New Resources for Statehouse Advocacy Page

In the spirit of educating others and encouraging the practice of democracy, we have created a new resources page for statehouse advocacy explaining how to sign in on House and Senate bills online, and how to provide testimony on bills. Be sure to share it within your network to help spread awareness.

Resources for State House Advocacy


Bonus Action - Register for the upcoming discussion with the Secretary of State

Sunday, March 10
Register for an Evening with NH Secretary of State Scanlan- 7 PM to 8:30 PM. Hosted by Hillsborough County Democratic Committee. Join us for a discussion with Secretary Scanlan about campaign finance, election law and processes ahead of the 2024 elections. If you would like to submit a question ahead of time, please email it to [email protected].


Actions for Feb 12-Feb 18

Action 1 - Sign in on Bills


SB 536 No Excuse Absentee Voting

The Senate Election Law  and Municipal Affairs Committee is having a public hearing on SB 536 on February 13th at 9:30am in the Legislative Office Building, room 103. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

This bill allows for no-excuse absentee registration and voting.

SB 537 Pre-processing of Absentee Ballots

The Senate Election Law  and Municipal Affairs Committee is having a public hearing on SB 537 on February 13th at 9:45am in the Legislative Office Building, room 103. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

This bill allows for the preprocessing of absentee ballots.

HB 1091 Campaign Finance

The House Election Law Committee is having a public hearing on HB 1019 on February 13th at 2:40pm at the Legislative Office Building room 307. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

This bill makes various changes to the laws that regulate the financing of political campaigns.



CACR 26 Handcount/Serial Numbered Ballots

The House Election Law Committee is having a public hearing on CACR 26 on February 13th at 9:00am at the Legislative Office Building room 307. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

This concurrent resolution proposing a constitutional amendment provides for comprehensive election reform to include provisions and penalties in regards to ballot reconciliation, access, retention, polling location limits, poll workers, allowance of registered voters for post-election ballot viewing, ballot lot and voting documentation viewing, and scanning and recording photographically during citizen audits.

HB 1085 Inspection of Absentee Ballot Lists

The House Election Law Committee is having a public hearing on HB 1085 on February 13th at 9:25am at the Legislative Office Building room 307. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

This bill requires that town and city clerks shall make absentee ballot voter lists available for public inspection, and requires the secretary of state to report on absentee ballots information.

HB 1348 Ballot Counts Exceeding Registered Voters

The House Election Law Committee is having a public hearing on HB 1348 on February 13th at 1:50pm at the Legislative Office Building room 307. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

his bill negates election results at polling places at which total ballot counts exceed the total number of registered voters.


Action 2 - Write an LTE to encourage others to practice democracy

It's vital for us to encourage others to join us in practicing democracy, especially in this election year that is filled with political turbulence. Let's write some LTEs to spread awareness and educate! Choose a topic that you feel passionate about like educating the community about SB 445 decision, advocating support of HB 1426, general education for how young activists can get started with speaking on bills, etc.


Sample LTE on HB 1426:

To the Editor: In a healthy democracy, one person, one vote is cherished and protected, as it is part of the very definition of democracy - that each person's vote carries equal weight in every election where citizens' values, ideals and preferences are expressed. If our various kinds of voting districts continue to be gerrymandered every 10 years on a partisan basis, we will continue to experience erosion of our democratic way of life. HB 1426 can halt that erosion and return us to our original path of determining districts in a fair, accurate, and constitutional process. Please support our democracy with vigor by expressing your support for HB 1426.

Lois Cote
Manchester, NH


Action 3 - Share/sign the letter for election workers

If you are a New Hampshire election official, we invite you to join a coalition of other NH election officials including Supervisors of the Checklist, moderators, clerks, and other election administrators across the state in adding your name to the following letter asking House Election Law Committee to vote down HB 1569. Please note that this letter will also be released publicly.

To add your name to this letter, please fill out the following form. Someone will reach out to you to confirm you'd like your name added as written. 

If you are not an election official please share this letter with any New Hampshire election officials that you know.

NH Election Officials Letter in Opposition of HB 1569 


Bonus Action - thank you card for the Attorney General's office

Write a thank you letter to the New Hampshire Attorney General, John Formella, thanking him and his team for the making quick work of the Biden Robocall investigation and identifying the Texas company allegedly behind the AI-generated robocalls made to Granite State voters ahead of the primary last month.


Actions for Feb 5-Feb 11

Action 1 - Sign in on Bills


HB 1147 Campaign contributions by businesses and labor unions

The House Election Law Committee is having a public hearing on HB 1147 on February 6th at 9:30am at the Legislative Office Building room 306-308. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

This bill requires business organizations and labor unions to make political contributions through segregated funds.

HB 1074 LLC loophole

The House Election Law Committee is having a public hearing on HB 1074 on February 6th at 10:00am at the Legislative Office Building room 306-308. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

This bill requires that a political contribution by a limited liability company be allocated to members for purposes of determining whether a member has exceeded the contribution limits.

HB 1119 Absentee Ballots

The House Election Law Committee is having a public hearing on HB 1119 on February 6th at 10:30am at the Legislative Office Building room 306-308. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

This bill makes provisions for procuring an absentee ballot during a weather emergency.

HB 1596 AI political ad disclosures

The House Election Law Committee is having a public hearing on HB 1596 on February 6th at 2:00pm at the Legislative Office Building room 306-308. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

This bill requires the disclosure of deceptive synthetic media and deceptive and fraudulent deep fakes usage in political advertising.

Contact the House Election Law Committee using the link below and ask them to support Requiring AI political ad disclosures - HB 1596

HB 1364 Protecting election officials

The House Election Law Committee is having a public hearing on HB 1364 on February 6th at 3:00pm at the Legislative Office Building room 306-308. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

This bill makes it a crime to intimidate election officers, to improperly influence the electoral process, and to tamper with electronic ballot counting devices.

Contact the House Election Law Committee using the link below and ask them to support protecting our election officials - HB 1364



HB 1369 Checklist purge every 4 years

The House Election Law Committee is having a public hearing on HB 1369 on February 6th at 1:00pm at the Legislative Office Building room 306-308. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

This bill decreases the verification of voter rolls by the supervisors of the checklist to every 4 years.

HB 1442 Penalties for election officials

The House Election Law Committee is having a public hearing on HB 1442 on February 6th at 1:30pm at the Legislative Office Building room 306-308. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

This bill creates a penalty for the failure of election officers to adhere to election law.


Action 2 - For the Love of Democracy Valentines for Legislators

Celebrate this Valentine's Day by asking your legislators to support democracy and key bills with our Valentine's Day cards. We have designed a prefilled and a blank version so you can write your own messages. For the prefilled cards be sure to set the printer settings to double-sided and flip along short edge.

For the Love of Democracy Valentines_blank

For the Love of Democracy Valentines


Actions 3 - Share our Bill Sign In Social Media Content

A large portion of New Hampshire residents are unaware that they can sign-in on bills and provide written testimony for the bills that matter to them. Let's change that! Share our social media content that teaches how to sign in on bills, and let's get more people practicing democracy with us.

Sign_in_on_bills_1.png   Sign_in_on_bills_2.png   Sign_in_on_bills_3.png

Sign_in_on_bills_4.png   Sign_in_on_bills_5.png

Actions for Jan 30-Feb 5

Action 1 - Sign in on Bills


HB 1426 - Establishing an advisory commission

The House Election Law Committee is having a public hearing on HB 1426 on January 30th at 2:00pm at the Legislative Office Building room 306-308. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

HB 1426 establishes an advisory redistricting commission. This bill would simply provide to the legislature a set of fair maps, drawn by the commission with public input, for consideration at the start of the legislative session. HB 1426 opens the doors of redistricting to the public by requiring the commission to hold public hearings, provide forum for public comment, and disclose all data and communications used to reach a decision. 

Contact the House Election Law Committee using the link below and ask them to support establishing an advisory redistricting commission-HB 1426

SB 535 - Absentee Ballots

The Senate Election Law  and Municipal Affairs Committee is having a public hearing on SB 535 on January 30th at 9:00am in the Legislative Office Building, room 103. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

SB 353 updates the absentee ballot request form to match state statute that enables a person who would otherwise vote in person but has concerns about traveling during a winter storm warning to receive an absentee ballot.

SB 534 - Campaign Finance

The Senate Election Law and Municipal Affairs Committee is having a public hearing on SB 534 on January 30th at 9:45am in the Legislative Office Building, room 103. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

This bill makes various changes to the laws that regulate the financing of political campaigns.

SB 530 - Campaign Finance

The Senate Election Law and Municipal Affairs Committee is having a public hearing on SB 534 on January 30th at 9:20am in the Legislative Office Building, room 103. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

This bill makes provisions for the reporting of receipts and expenditures filed by political committees of candidates and candidates, requiring all report be at least 8pt font to be easily legible.



HB 1446 - Eliminating cost for an electronic copy of the checklist

The House Election Law Committee is having a public hearing on HB 1446 on January 30th at 10:00am at the Legislative Office Building room 306-308. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

HB 1446 would eliminate the cost for an emailed copy of the checklist, but this fails to account for the fact that electronic copies still incur labor costs to the towns. 

HB 1699 - Allowing caucus identification on ballots

The House Election Law Committee is having a public hearing on HB 1699 on January 30th at 1:30pm at the Legislative Office Building room 306-308. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

HB 1699 proposes that candidates for the office of state representative may list up to 3 caucuses they are affiliated with for inclusion on the ballot. 

HB 1343 - Prohibiting Governor Emergency Orders

The Legislative Administration is having a public hearing on HB 1343 on January 31st at 10:00 am at the Legislative Office Building, room 203. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

This bill requires the governor to get prior written or electronic approval from legislative majority and minority leaders to issue an emergency order concerning elections procedures.


Action 2 - Write a Thank You message to your local poll workers

Our poll workers worked hard last Tuesday to make sure the Primary went off without a hitch, so this week lets show them that they are appreciated. Take a moment this week to handwrite a thank you message to your local poll workers or town clerk. 


Action 3 - Invite 5 Friends to the Grassroots Briefing

Please join us and the New Hampshire Campaign for Voting Rights for our 2024 Grassroots Voting Rights Legislative Briefing - Tuesday, January 30th at 7:00pm! Hear from NHCVR partners and key voting rights advocates about our priority legislation in the New Hampshire legislature, and how you can get involved to support voting rights.

RSVP here:

Share this invitation with 5 friends or post it to your social media.

Actions for Jan 23-29  

Action 1 - Go Vote!

The NH Primary is here so make sure you go out and VOTE on Tuesday, Jan 23rd

Action 2 - Share & Attend the Granny D Lunch

Be sure to register and join us for our Annual Granny D Birthday Celebration on Wednesday, January 24 at noon! We will celebrate Doris "Granny D" Haddock's birthday this year with a Legislative Luncheon at the State House in the cafeteria dining room. 

Share the event on social media with friends and invite your legislators to attend!



Action 3 - Sign in on Bills


HB 1426 - Establishing an advisory commission

The House Election Law Committee is having a public hearing on HB 1426 on January 30th at 2:00pm at the Legislative Office Building room 306-308. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

HB 1426 establishes an advisory redistricting commission. This bill would simply provide to the legislature a set of fair maps, drawn by the commission with public input, for consideration at the start of the legislative session. HB 1426 opens the doors of redistricting to the public by requiring the commission to hold public hearings, provide forum for public comment, and disclose all data and communications used to reach a decision. 

Contact the House Election Law Committee using the link below and ask them to support establishing an advisory redistricting commission-HB 1426



HB 1446 - Eliminating cost for an electronic copy of the checklist

The House Election Law Committee is having a public hearing on HB 1446 on January 30th at 10:00am at the Legislative Office Building room 306-308. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

HB 1446 would eliminate the cost for an emailed copy of the checklist, but this fails to account for the fact that electronic copies still incur labor costs to the towns. 


HB 1699 - Allowing caucus identification on ballots

The House Election Law Committee is having a public hearing on HB 1699 on January 30th at 1:30pm at the Legislative Office Building room 306-308. Please email the committee, testify, or sign in on the bill.

HB 1699 proposes that candidates for the office of state representative may list up to 3 caucuses they are affiliated with for inclusion on the ballot. 


Actions for Jan 16-22  

 Action 1 - Sign in on bills. 

  • Voter Owned Elections (SB 445) 
  • Senate Election Law Hearing 1/16 at 9:45am, LOB 103
  • Sign in Support Here
  • Recount Procedure (SB382)
  • Senate Election Law Hearing 1/16 at 9am, LOB 103
    • Sign in Support Here
      • As a reminder these are the steps to remote sign in:
        • Choose the date (1/16), Select the committee (Senate Election Law), Select the bill (SB382), For the “I am” question, select “Member of the public”, For the “I am representing” question, type “Myself”, Click the bubble next to “I support this bill”, Go to the bottom and click “submit”
    • Talking points here

Action 2 - Share Upcoming events 

  • 1/16 at 7pm  EST Democracy Book Club - Zoom 
  • 1/18 at 5:30pm Sign at the Debate - Manchester  We are bringing the Corruption Chorus to St A's debate on Jan 18th - signing outside from 6-7pm. We will meet at 5:30pm at Nadeau's Subs, 776 Mast Road, Manchester and walk over to campus. Songs 
  • 1/23 Vote - NH Primary 
  • 1/24 at noon for the Granny D Lunch at State House
  • *Bird-dog calendar - last week to ask questions

Action 3 -  Share - Social Media about Voting - NH Primary GOTV 

Do you know your polling place? -

Do you need a ride to the polls?-

Sample Ballots - share on facebook 

Share  NH DRC post - All About Your Voting Rights - Preparing for the Presidential Primary & a Casting Call for NH Voters with Disabilities 

Actions for Jan 8-16 


Action 1

Poll Workers needed on Jan 23 

  • Keene ward 1 & 4
  • Manchester 
  • Nashua Ward 2: Moderator, Ward Clerk, Selectperson
  • Dalton
  • Barrington
  • Portsmouth
  • Plaistow

NHCVR is organizing two phone banks next week to help fill gaps in Dalton on Thursday, January 11th from 1pm-3pm and 6pm-8pm. Any additional capacity is appreciated! RSVP form with more details here. 

  • Share Social media campaign, and get the word out we have two weeks to find the needed election workers. 

Action 2 

Sign-in and testify on SB 445 (Senate Election Law Jan. 16th @9:45am)

Action 3 


Actions for Jan 1-7

As we are going into the legislative session we have several bills coming up that need our attention, so this week’s actions are to contact our state legislators regarding three bills being heard in early January.

Action 1 - The full House is voting on HB 463 on Jan 3 please email them before the 3rd. 

Contact your state representatives using the link below and ask them to support an election information portal-HB 463

 Have you ever requested an absentee ballot? Have you had to change your voting address? Have you paid bills? Have you re-registered your car?

You probably know that you can choose to pay your bills or re-register your car online, but to request an absentee ballot or to change your voting address or to take various other actions related to voting in New Hampshire, you have to either show up in person at the town clerk’s office or, if you qualify, figure out how to print out and mail various forms. Forty-two other states and Washington, D.C., have secure election information portals on the internet that provide easier and more efficient ways for voters to transact their business with the town and state if they choose to use them.The portal will make the lives of voters and election officials easier, allowing voters to interact with the town clerk's office without having to go in person during work hours, and saving town officials time and taxpayer money processing paper forms.

Talking Points:

  • This is a common sense modernization step towards making our elections more efficient  for more Granite Staters. 
    • This bill would create an online election voter portal that connects with the existing system used by election officials, where voters can complete a new voter application, request an absentee ballot, and update their address and other voter information – allowing more, easier access for eligible New Hampshire voters. 
  • When a voter registers through the online election portal, their information goes directly to the Supervisors of the Checklist for their town – maintaining local oversight and checks on voter registration. 
    • Providing information to the town online instead of a paper form can reduce errors made by handwriting, data entry, or missing information.
  • If people can update their information easily and safely when they move, have a new home, or  register for the first time, among other scenarios, people will be more likely to be registered before election day, reducing lines or confusion at the polls.
  • 42 States and Washington, DC use an election information portal– it is time for New Hampshire to use modern tech to provide an easier, more efficient way to register for Granite Staters.  It’s time for New Hampshire, a state that prides itself on our elections, to join a majority of states with common sense modernization reforms that utilize modern, proven technology.
  • We should be working to make voting as accessible as possible for voters who have the right to take part in our elections, and this legislation would be a big step forward.
  • This bill also provides a simple, efficient way for voters to help keep our voter rolls clean, which helps local election officials with their jobs and cuts down lines and mistakes on election day. 
  • Allowing people additional ways to register to vote before an election reduces the number of people who need to register on election day and could reduce the number of affidavits used on election day 
  • We pay our bills online, can re-register our cars online and can do all of our banking online. It is time to make this common sense solution a reality and allow us to register to vote online, too.

Action 2 - The Senate Finance Committee is having a public hearing on SB 453 on Jan 4 at 1:10pm at the State House - please email the committee and come to testify or sign in on the bill in the new year. 

Contact the member of the senate finance committee using the link below and ask them to support funding the election information portal-SB 453

Talking points:

  • Processing hundreds of thousands of paper voter registration applications each election cycle is labor-intensive and expensive, requiring manual data entry, follow-up on missing information and errors, and overtime for supervisors of the checklist and town clerks to process applications
    in a busy election season.
  • An OVR system can replace these paper transactions, saving time, energy, and money for these election administrators. This memorandum discusses the costs associated with paper-based registrations, and how different pieces of an OVR system can significantly reduce these paper
  • Since 2014, New Hampshire has spent approximately $10 million on processing paper voter registration forms.
  • Even without the costs of postage and printing, research shows that processing a paper voter registration application costs approximately $4.72 in staff time.

Action 3 - On Jan 9 at 9:10am the Senate Election law committee is having a public hearing on SB 489 at the State House. Please email the committee and come to testify or sign in on the bill in the new year. 

Contact the members of the senate election law committee using the link below and ask them to support SB 489 to require election audits

Reliable post-election audits are conducted in a transparent manner by impartial election officials, often in bipartisan teams, according to pre-determined rules, with a documented process to ensure security of voting equipment, maintain chain of custody of voted ballots, and protect voters’ personal information.

Report from our friends:

Showing 3 reactions

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