Reform Caucus Legislative Update #6, February 17, 2017
In short. This week in House Election Law on Valentines Day, executive sessions were held on three reform bills: HB 320 (computer redistricting), HB 519 (clearinghouse), and HB 116 (Citizens United). In a mini Valentines Day massacre, all were voted ITL on straight party lines. On the House Floor on the 15th, HB 203-FN-A (independent redistricting commission) was voted ITL 190-164. This was also along party lines except for three Republicans who voted with the Democrats. SB 107 was heard in Senate Election Law on the 14th with no further action taken.
Next week House Election Law will hold executive sessions on Tues. the 21st on HB 533 (closes loophole allowing independent campaigns to hide spending) and HB 537 (closes loophole allowing $5K pre-filing donations). On Thursday the 23rd, the Full Senate will vote on SB 33 (same as HB 533) and SB 115 (closes LLC donation limit loophole).
Reminders. (1) Open Democracy Action plans to create a legislative scorecard based on floor votes. It is critical, therefore, that votes on priority bills be roll calls. So please, when one of our bills comes up, be willing to ask for a roll call. (2) We have begun collecting and making available talking points, briefs, call scripts, and other useful documents on the ODA website. You can access them here. If you have documents you want us to make publically available, send them to Olivia Zink: [email protected] .
What happened this past week
Tuesday, February 14
HOUSE Election Law
Executive sessions: HB 320 and HB 519 and HB 116 were all voted 11-8 ITL along party lines with Democrats OTP and Republicans ITL. A minority report is being filed for HB 519.
SENATE Election Law and Internal Affairs
Hearing: SB 107 establishing an independent redistricting commission was heard.
Wednesday, February 15
HOUSE General Session
Floor vote: HB 203-FN-A was voted ITL 190 -164 along party lines except for three Republicans (Fothergill, new Republican Theberge, and Wolf) who voted with the Democrats against ITL.
Tuesday, February 21
HOUSE Election Law Room 308 LOB
Executive session: HB 533 that closes the loophole that has allowed independent spending groups to avoid registering with the Secretary of State and filing expenditure reports. Prime sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Smith, Strafford 6.
10:00 AM -This is the 4th on the list of nine bills to be taken up starting at 10:00.
Executive session: HB 537 that closes the loophole that allows candidates to accept individual donations of up to $5,000 before they publically declare for office. Prime sponsor: Rep. Marjorie Porter, Hillsborough 1
10:00 AM -This is the 5th on the list of nine bills to be taken up starting at 10:00.
Full Senate Session, Thursday, February 23, 10:00 AM
SB 33 that closes the loophole that has allowed independent spending groups to avoid registering with the Secretary of State and filing expenditure reports. Voted 3-1 ITL from Election Law committee. Prime Sponsor: Sen. Bradley.
SB 115 that closes the loophole that allows limited liability companies to set up multiple groups to exceed LLC campaign contribution limits. Voted ITL 3-2 from Election Law committee. Prime Sponsor: Sen Feltes.
To contact ODA:
Open Democracy Action: 4 Park Street Suite 301, Concord, NH 03301. Office: (603) 715-8197
Olivia Zink: [email protected]; (603) 661-8621 (cell)
Gordon Allen: [email protected]; (603) 588-2742
Rick Bourdon: [email protected]; (603) 795-2818; (603) 759-1888 (cell)
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