Thanks for your willingness to fight for fair voting maps for New Hampshire. Our advocacy throughout the last year has helped to get a more open process, force additional hearings, and now, put pressure on the legislature to amend the proposed rigged Congressional, Executive Council, NH Senate and NH House maps.
When volunteering below, you will be volunteering ONLY for the January 31 Public Hearing (Remote Sign-ins, in-person testimony, written testimony, LTEs, Sign Holding and other actions)
We understand your concerns with COVID and are offering many ways you can help for the hearings and follow up.
We want to fill the room at these input sessions, but we also need folks on the street outside, making phone calls for turnout, and for letters and social media to be written and sent.
Your volunteer options are below. Because this is a fluid situation, signing up will help us direct supporting instructions and documents to you.
If you need help with testimony, please visit our Giving or Submitting Testimony page.
THANK YOU for fighting for what is right, to make sure ALL Granite Staters get proper representation for the NH Executive Council and NH Senate.
The Open Democracy Action team
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