Cheshire County Hearing for the Special Committee on Redistricting

The Special Committee on Redistricting has set the dates for the "public listening sessions."   Cheshire County's meeting will be:

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12 at 6pm at the COUNTY HALL, Room: Delegation Hall, 12 Court St, Keene, NH 04341

We intend on turning out folks in force and sending a long and loud message that with the short notice for meetings, the lack of a schedule, and the refusal to use Zoom for interactive citizen input, the process is NOT open & transparent. 

There will be options for inside & outside participation, and there will be something for everyone to do, whether they are in-county or out, and to fit your level of COVID concern. Once you  RSVP, you will be automatically directed to a volunteer sign-up page with several options to help.

Prepare Testimony & Recruit Attendees for Your County Hearing -- With hearings in the next few weeks, we're asking you to prepare testimony to give at your county's hearing, and get others prepared to participate. One of the helpful members of the committee has suggested that our testimony should be as specific as possible:

  • How my town didn't get it's own House district.  Why not?   Isn't that a violation of the NH Constitution?
  • My town is districted with another town with which we have nothing in common
  • Our high school is a multi-town connection, yet we're not in a district together. 
  • What's with the crazy connection with our town and a town on the other side of the mountain?
  • I'm in a floterial with multiple towns we have nothing in common with.   And doesn't that rep have more power than a rep just representing one or two towns? 

Here are some additional talking points from the Fair Maps Coalition:

THANKS for helping!  Together we'll get pressure on the Special Committee on Redistricting for a fair, nonpartisan & transparent mapping process!

October 12, 2021 at 6:00pm - 9pm
County Hall
12 Court St
Keene, NH 03431
United States
Google map and directions
Brian Beihl · · 603-620-8300
Jeffrey Dickler Linda Bundy Hope Driscoll Ian Burke Jodi Newell Terri O'Rorke Barbara Reed Doreen Desmarais

Who's RSVPing

Jeffrey Dickler
Linda Bundy
Hope Driscoll
Ian Burke
Jodi Newell
Terri O'Rorke
Barbara Reed
Doreen Desmarais

Will you come?

Showing 8 reactions

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  • Jeffrey Dickler
    rsvped +1 2021-10-12 11:14:04 -0400
  • Linda Bundy
    rsvped 2021-10-12 10:54:36 -0400
  • Hope Driscoll
    rsvped 2021-10-11 23:33:19 -0400
  • Ian Burke
    rsvped 2021-10-11 20:07:53 -0400
  • Jodi Newell
    rsvped 2021-10-10 14:18:08 -0400
  • Terri O'Rorke
    rsvped 2021-10-10 13:59:39 -0400
  • Barbara Reed
    rsvped 2021-10-01 06:04:09 -0400
  • Doreen Desmarais
    rsvped 2021-09-22 11:17:54 -0400