Congressional Candidates' Forum on Campaign Reform

Hear What New Hampshire’s Congressional Candidates Say About Campaign Reform

Take Back Our Republic and Open Democracy Action Hosting Bipartisan Candidates’ Forum

The national conservative campaign reform group Take Back Our Republic is teaming up with Open Democracy Action to host a bipartisan candidates’ forum on Monday, May 14 starting at 1 pm in the Rich Room of the Warren B. Rudman Center at UNH School of Law (2 White Street, Concord NH 03301). 

The forum will be preceded by a light lunch, starting at 12:30 pm, to allow candidates an opportunity to talk one-on-one with audience members. The audience will include members of both organizations. Open Democracy Action, based in New Hampshire, includes more than 20,000 members; Take Back Our Republic, based in Auburn, Alabama, has almost 50,000 members nationwide and about 800 in the Granite State. 

All of New Hampshire’s congressional candidates – from both districts – have been invited to share their positions on campaign reform and take questions from the audience. To date, eight candidates are confirmed to participate in the forum: Naomi Andrews, Brian Belanger, Mark MacKenzie, Andy Martin, Douglas McEachern, Mindi Messmer, Terrance O'Rourke, and Chris Pappas.

“The myth that ‘conservatives do not want reform’ was countered with the South Dakota vote to end secret political contributions and gifts the night President Trump won that state 62% to 32%,” said Take Back Executive Director John Pudner. “Following that victory with this past Tuesday’s vote to end gerrymandering in Ohio, after it swung so hard Republican, shows conservatives are willing to vote for essential elements of reform.”

“Our system of privately financing our federal elections significantly limits our search for the leaders of our nation to those with wealth, the access to wealth, or a famous name. It also allows special interests to use their wealth to influence policy, whereas in a healthy democracy it is imperative that the voices of voters be heard and their perspectives considered,” said John Rauh, who founded Americans for Campaign Reform and is Chair of Open Democracy.

"Our great nation will not tackle crushing debt and healthcare spending, failing military strategy or climate change until candidates for high office can run competitive elections without selling themselves to big-money special interests," said Jim Rubens, a Republican who ran for U.S. Senate in 2014 and 2016. 

All parts of the event are open to the press and public, free of charge. The forum will be moderated by John Pudner.

The late Sen. Warren B. Rudman (R-NH) championed campaign reform both during and after his service in the US Senate. His 1993 farewell address to the Senate included the directive: “Congress must pass campaign-finance reform, so our legislators can be free of endless fund-raising and indebtedness to special interests.”

The latest state poll found that 80% of voters – including 79% of Democrats, 74% of Republicans, and 85% of Independents – believe “big money” is a problem in New Hampshire elections. Only 14% believe voters have more influence than special interests.

The latest national poll found that 76% of voters – including 71% of Republicans and 84% of Democrats – believe government “is run by a few big interests looking out for themselves” (only 21% believe government “is run for the benefit of all the people”). Voters are looking for change: 65% think that new campaign finance laws could be effective in limiting the amount of money in political campaigns.

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