Visibility at Senator Hassan's Office

What: Visibility at Sen. Maggie Hassan's Manchester office
When: Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 4 pm 
Where: 1589 Elm Street Manchester, NH 0310

Why: Sen. Hassan is a co-sponsor of H.R. 1.   But others are attacking the bill and we need her to know NH voters care about Voting Rights, Getting Money Out and Fair Districts.

 We're going to do an action in downtown Manchester outside her north Elm Street offices in Manchester on Tuesday, July 27.  Under discussion is a visibility in front her office, possibly with a march through downtown Manchester to WMUR and back, about a 2.6 mile Round trip. 

Sign ideas, but bring on the creativity!!

We Demand Democracy Because: 

Sen. Hassan

Do What it Takes!

Get S.1 Passed

Our Votes are


Pass S. 1

Get Money Out

Pass S.1

For the People

Sen. Hassan

You Can Stop

Political Corruption

Pass S. 1

Don't Let the

Filibuster Stop You!

Pass S. 1 Now!

Sen. Hassan

Thx for Supporting S. 1

Now get it done!

You can fix


Sen. Hassan

Pass S. 1

We're the

People in the

"For the People Act"

 Sample social media posts - be sure to post and use #ForThePeopleAct and #WeDemandDemocracy

July 27, 2021 at 4:00pm - 5pm
Senator Maggie Hassan's Office
1589 Elm St
Manchester, NH 03101
United States
Google map and directions
Frances Ferrari Christie West Michael Dillge Brian Beihl Bev Cotton Linda Bundy olivia zink

Who's RSVPing

Frances Ferrari
Christie West
Michael Dillge
Brian Beihl
Bev Cotton
Linda Bundy
olivia zink

Will you come?

Showing 8 reactions

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  • Frances Ferrari
    rsvped 2021-07-27 14:57:51 -0400
  • Christie West
    rsvped 2021-07-26 22:00:41 -0400
  • Michael Dillge
    rsvped 2021-07-26 21:41:20 -0400
  • Brian Beihl
    rsvped 2021-07-25 17:50:20 -0400
  • Bev Cotton
    rsvped 2021-07-24 20:06:04 -0400
  • Linda Bundy
    rsvped 2021-07-23 16:02:53 -0400
  • olivia zink
    rsvped 2021-07-22 14:32:46 -0400
  • Doreen Desmarais
    published this page in Events 2021-07-13 15:02:57 -0400