Senate Redistricting Hearing

On the heels of the NH House vote on January 6, the NH Senate holds a public hearing on January 10, 1-4 pm at the State House on its responsibilities, the voting district maps for the NH Executive Council and the NH Senate.

We would like the testimony for this hearing to be as extensive as the House maps were, with your amazing in-person testimony & written testimony.    We will be holding signs outside and will have other COVID-safe actions as well, like letters to the editor and social media. 

As of December 29, we have no maps to share with you, just the placeholder text,  but we can tell you there is are amendments with the 2022 proposals will be posted shortly to the "bill docket" for each bill.    (2010 Executive Council Map at right with the "dragon" Distict 2)

One set from the Republican majority:

Executive Council districts - SB 241

NH Senate districts- SB 240

and one from the Democratic minority:

Executive Council districts - SB 254

NH Senate districts - SB 253

What You Need to Do:

1)  RSVP below, then

2) You will be taken to a volunteer page where you can specify how you'd like to help fight these terrible maps:  Testify in person, testfy in writing, hold signs, write LTEs and more.


3)  Everyone, whether in-person or at home, should register a position on the bills. The Senate allows this, the House no longer does.   After January 8, when we have seen the amendments and made a recommendation to you:

a.  Go to

b.  Click on "Jan 10" then select "Election Law" as the committee, then add your name and town, and what bill you are supporting/opposing.  We will give you guidance shortly.

c.   Repeat the steps for all four bills. 


Thank you for your tenacity and grit, while we try to make sure our voting districts are fair.  

In the meantime, if you have questions, send Brian Beihl an email.

January 10, 2022 at 1:00pm - 4pm
Representatives Hall, NH State House
107 N Main St
Representatives Hall
Concord, NH 03301
United States
Google map and directions
Brian Beihl · · 603-620-8300
olivia zink Jean Lightfoot Susan Orkin Catherine Bushueff Deborah Nelson Anne Huberman Mary Raven Ellen Farnum Linda Bundy Kate Coon Jeffrey Dickler Brian Beihl Doreen Desmarais

Who's RSVPing

olivia zink
Jean Lightfoot
Susan Orkin
Catherine Bushueff
Deborah Nelson
Anne Huberman
Mary Raven
Ellen Farnum
Linda Bundy
Kate Coon
Jeffrey Dickler
Brian Beihl
Doreen Desmarais

Will you come?

Showing 14 reactions

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  • olivia zink
    rsvped 2022-01-09 13:57:44 -0500
  • Jean Lightfoot
    rsvped 2022-01-09 13:38:31 -0500
  • Susan Orkin
    rsvped 2022-01-09 12:05:19 -0500
  • Mary & Tom Lilley
    followed this page 2022-01-09 10:14:48 -0500
  • Catherine Bushueff
    rsvped 2022-01-09 06:45:09 -0500
  • Deborah Nelson
    rsvped 2022-01-08 12:04:09 -0500
  • Anne Huberman
    rsvped 2022-01-08 10:25:05 -0500
  • Mary Raven
    rsvped 2021-12-31 19:05:04 -0500
  • Ellen Farnum
    rsvped 2021-12-31 06:40:11 -0500
  • Linda Bundy
    rsvped 2021-12-30 11:50:24 -0500
  • Kate Coon
    rsvped 2021-12-29 19:46:46 -0500
  • Jeffrey Dickler
    rsvped 2021-12-29 16:40:01 -0500
  • Brian Beihl
    rsvped 2021-12-29 16:00:45 -0500
  • Doreen Desmarais
    rsvped 2021-12-29 09:25:34 -0500