The NH Special Committee on Redistricting is meeting Thursday, September 30 for Full Committee Work Session. We're mobilizing our Democracy protectors (you) to Attend in person or online, hold signs at the hearing room, or give us written testimony to deliver. Though no specific details are given on their website, we are assuming that it will be held at the Legislative Office Building (LOB), rooms 210-211, 33 N. State St., Concord.
Thursday, Sept 30, 9:15 AM, Open Democracy and other fair maps advocacy groups are meeting to hold signs and attend the 10AM Special Committee on Redistricting. We're meeting outside the STATE HOUSE side door on Park Street at 9:15, getting instructions and signs, then dispersing to our sign holding locations at 9:30.
Attend the meeting in Person -- We want the hearing room filled, even though the public will not be allowed to speak. Please wear a mask, per CDC guidelines. The hearing room is in the Legislative Office Building, Rm. 210. We'd expect the meeting to be about 2 hours long.
Hold Signs Inside, then attend the meeting -- We need sign holders outside the hearing room. We have some signs, but if you'd like to make your own, we're emphasizing transparency of software, criteria and maps, the lack of public input, and the lack of a schedule for meetings and public hearings: SHOW US THE CRITERIA; LET THE PUBLIC SPEAK; DON'T KEEP US IN THE DARK; FAIR MAPS NEED TRANSPARENCY; WHAT ARE YOU HIDING? WHEN ARE THE HEARINGS? NH VOTERS DESERVE DETAILS NH VOTERS DEMAND FAIR MAPS 74 TOWNS VOTED FOR FAIR MAPS
We would also like you inside to pack the room, if you're able to do so. We're asking everyone to stay masked.
Hold signs outside the State House Entrance or LOB Garage Entrance -- If you'd prefer not to be inside, we'll be stationing sign holders outside the Park Street side entrance to the State House (not the LOB), and outside the LOB parking garage. Meet outside the Park Street entrance for signs and instructions. You'll be done at 10 AM when the hearing starts.
Attend via Zoom -- The Special Committee and Speaker Sherman Packard have refused to allow Zoom access for either legislator participation, or for public input. Open Democracy will be setting up a Zoom meeting to broadcast from the hearing room, for anyone who can't come to Concord to watch. RSVP below and get the Zoom link.
Watch via the NH General Court Youtube channel:
By WEDNESDAY, Sept 29, 5 pm, Submit Written Testimony to Us to Deliver to the Committee
Please write a one-page statement to the committee to tell them how you feel about the process last time, and that you want it to be a FAIR, NONPARTISAN & TRANSPARENT process this time. Please send it to Doreen to print copies for each member of the committee and for the press, and we will deliver them to the committee on Wednesday.
- Transparency is the foundation of our government, and truly fair maps can't be drawn with out it
- 74 NH Cities and towns have passed the NH Resolution for Fair Nonpartisan Redistricting
- Meetings need to be posted in advance, particularly the public hearings in NH Counties
- This meeting, as well as the county hearings, should be on Zoom, to allow more public input into the process
- Maps need to be posted for weeks ahead of time to allow for analysis and public input
Here is some sample testimony for inspiration. Please submit your own writing and don't copy and paste the sample.
THANK YOU for getting re-engaged this summer to fight for fair voting districts!
33 N State St
Rooms 210-211
Concord, NH 03301
United States
Google map and directions

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