Reform Caucus Legislative Update #10, March 17, 2017
In short. This past week SB 197-FN-A ($200,000 for election law enforcement) passed the Senate 23-0. No action was taken on any other Open Democracy Action priority bills. Next Tuesday we expect an executive session for SB 107 (redistricting commission) in Senate Election Law and Internal Affairs.
Reminders. (1) Open Democracy Action plans to create a legislative scorecard based on floor votes. It is critical, therefore, that votes on priority bills be roll calls. So please, when one of our bills comes up, be willing to ask for a roll call. (2) We are collecting and making available talking points, briefs, call scripts, and other useful documents on the ODA website. You can access them here. If you have documents you want us to make publically available, send them to Olivia Zink: [email protected] .
What happened this past week
Thursday, March 16
Full SENATE Session
Floor vote: SB 197-FN-A (as amended) calls for an appropriation to the Department of Justice of $200,000 over two years to enforce election and lobbying laws.
After positive testimony from Sens. D'Allesandro, Lasky, and Feltes, SB 197 passed the Senate easily 23-0. As amended, the bill will fund one investigator position instead of the two positions, one investigator and one attorney, requested in the original bill. But in Sen. Feltes' words, "It's a step in the right direction."
Coming up next week, March 20-24
The only action anticipated for ODA priority bills next week is an executive session for SB 107 (redistricting commission) in Senate Election Law and Internal Affairs.
Tuesday, March 21
SENATE Election Law and Internal Affairs
9:00 AM
Executive session (probably): SB 107 establishes an independent redistricting commission. This bill is similar to HB 203, the redistricting commission bill that died in the House. There are differences in several areas, including, among others, method for choosing commission members, funding, and transparency of the redistricting process. Prime Sponsor: Sen. Lasky.
Bill Status – Top priority bills supported by ODA
HB 203-FN-A (redistricting commission): ITL full House 190-164, 2/15/17
HB 320 (computer redistricting): ITL full House 184-161, 3/8/17
HB 519 (clearinghouse): ITL full House 192-158, 3/8/17
HB 533 (independent spending loophole, same as SB 33): Retained 20-0, House Election Law 2/21/17
HB 537 ($5,000 pre-filing loophole): OTP full House (Consent Calendar voice vote), 3/8/17
SB 33 (independent spending loophole, same as HB 533): OTP full Senate 14-9, 2/23/17
SB 107 (redistricting commission, similar to HB 203): expected executive session: Senate Election Law and Internal Affairs, 3/21
SB 197-FN-A ($ for election law enforcement): OTP (with amendment) full Senate 23-0, 3/16/17
Bill Status – Other campaign finance bills supported by ODA
HB 116 (Citizens United): ITL full House 193-165, 3/9/17
HR 7 (Constitutional amendment): OTP full House 211-75, 2/9/17
SB 115 (LLC loophole): ITL full Senate 14-9, 2/23/17
To contact ODA:
Open Democracy Action: 4 Park Street Suite 301, Concord, NH 03301; Office: (603) 715-8197
Olivia Zink: [email protected]; (603) 661-8621 (cell)
Gordon Allen: [email protected]; (603) 588-2742
Rick Bourdon: [email protected]; (603) 795-2818; (603) 759-1888 (cell)
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