Thanks for having me speak to you about what small but powerful actions you can take to put out the fire in our Democracy. Democracy reform experts are pointing to proposed anti-voter bills in NH and other states as the most brazen voter suppression bills since the Jim Crow era. The For the People Act, the most significant voting rights, money in politics and ethics bill in history will stop these state anti-voter bills. But we must pass the bill first, and we can't do that unless EVERYONE, stands up, grabs a bucket, and starts taking action.
Passing the H.R. 1 / S. 1 For the People Act / Filibuster
See our For the People Act Action page, where 15 simple but powerful actions on S.1 and changing/ending the filibuster are suggested, including the links, phone numbers and documents you need to do them.
H.R. 1 / S. 1 is a huge bill with many facets. Get a summary at the page of Rep. John Sarbanes, the bill's architect, and if you want even more detailed information, visited the annotated analysis at the Brennan Center.
Defeating NH & National House Anti-Voter Bills
Stay informed by subscribing to the NH Democracy Report, a free newsletter which is weekly during the legislative session, and as needed after the session. Open Democracy Action will be following developments with the retained anti-voter bills throughout the summer and communicating urgent actions through the NH Democracy Report.
We'll also be updating you on H.R. 4, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which will be making its way through Congress later this summer. If you'd like to know more about H.R. 4, visit this Brennan Center article.
To call your legislators, visit the NH General Court website for their phone, email and address.
NH House:
NH Senate:
ting for Fair Voting Maps for NH
The Special Committee on Redistricting is just starting work on voting maps for the next 10 years. Open Democracy and a coalition of groups in NH are mobilizing citizens and town officials to speak out about the injustice resulting from the last redistricting process in 2011. You can and should contact your state representatives and senators, but contacting the Special Committee, comprised of 8 Republicans and 7 Democrats is very important right now. Contact info page for the Special Committee on Redistricting: This includes a group email address which can reach the entire committee.
Governor Sununu has said that he will veto a gerrymandered map. (On The Exchange, May 2021). Public letters via an LTE and Facebook posts to him remind him of this will be helpful.
Join our Map-a-Thon project to create citizen-drawn fair maps and put pressure on the Special Committee on Redistricting to do the same. Right now we need volunteers from every corner of NH to collect information on "communities of interest." Sign up so you can be informed of how you can help.
Join a Team!
Open Democracy Teams are part education and part action. Through regular briefings, we keep you up to date on critical legislation, and direct you as to how best to apply pressure. We have six teams: Southern, Seacoast, Monadnock, Upper Valley, North Country, and Central. Meetings are fun, supportive and informative. And we get s**t done! Over 100 letters to the editor have been done by our team members, and over 1000 individual actions. Check out our Weekly Action page so see the types of actions, then learn more about joining the teams here.
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