Candidate surveys
2018 congressional candidate survey
Our cross-partisan survey of 2018 congressional primary candidates’ positions on the issue of money in politics.
Open Democracy Action is not endorsing any candidate in the congressional primaries, but co-chair Rick Bourdon said, “Citizens should know where these candidates stand on the issue of campaign funding, before they decide how to vote.”
Open Democracy Action did not fact-check whether the campaigns were following the self-imposed restrictions reported by the candidates. Campaign fundraising information is available on the Federal Elections Commission website: records for First District candidates are available here; and here for Second District candidates. Clicking on a candidate’s name leads to a “Financial Summary” and more detailed data is available by clicking on the hyperlinked amounts for the various categories. The “Other committee contributions” category includes donations from other politicians’ committees, labor union and professional association PACs, “Leadership PACs” affiliated with particular elected officials, and other types of PACs.
Some candidates did not respond to Open Democracy Action’s survey before the deadline. If any of those candidates respond later, their answers will be added to the online compilation.
2016 candidate surveys
Open Democracy Action (ODA) sent its We The People survey in August to all primary candidates for the NH House, NH Senate, executive council, governor, US Congress, and U.S. Senate. We then reached out again to those Republican and Democratic nominees who had not responded in August.
The survey results reflect strong bipartisan concern about the influence of big money in politics. Eighty-eight percent of the 101 candidates who responded to the survey, Republicans and Democrats alike, said they endorse a political reform agenda designed to reduce the influence of large campaign donations.
More than two-thirds of Republicans and nearly all Democrats who responded signed on to the reform agenda. Sixty-nine percent received a B+ or higher overall grade on the survey.
Click here to learn more about our methodology. Click on the responses below to learn where the people who represent you stand on key election reform issues.
US House, NH Executive Council, and NH Senate
N.H. House
Responses sorted by name
Responses sorted by district
Non-candidates in general election
Granite Staters working to:
- End the influence of Big Money and wealthy special interest groups in politics
- Protect the freedom to vote
- Draw fair redistricting maps
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